JD73 Plays the Nord Electro 3 PT1JD73 playing the new Nord Electro 3. Some funk for y'all!http://www.myspace.com/jazzdoctor73http://www.itunes.com/jd73http://www.jd73.co.uk#funk#clavinet#licks 'n tricks·youtube.com·Jun 2, 2021JD73 Plays the Nord Electro 3 PT1
How To Play A Funky Clavinet Groove - Hartigan's Keyboard FundamentalsIn this video, I talk about some of the techniques I use to play funky syncopated clavinet grooves. During the video I mention the "TouchClav" patch that I ...#licks 'n tricks#clavinet#funk·youtube.com·Jun 2, 2021How To Play A Funky Clavinet Groove - Hartigan's Keyboard Fundamentals
funky Clavinet Patternsrecorded 2013composed by Alberry Hill (1995)camera & edit: Franziska Hinteregger#funk#clavinet#licks 'n tricks·youtube.com·Jun 2, 2021funky Clavinet Patterns
ClaviDuck : medium clavinet grooveClaviDuck plays Hohner Clavinet D6 : Medium Clavinet Groove (with Dunlop Cry Baby wah).www.hennereijs.nl#funk#clavinet#licks 'n tricks·youtube.com·Jun 2, 2021ClaviDuck : medium clavinet groove