02: Revolutionary America

02: Revolutionary America

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John Adams to Abigail Adams, 9 October 1774
John Adams to Abigail Adams, 9 October 1774
The poor Wretches, fingering their Beads, chanting Latin, not a Word of which they understood, their Pater Nosters and Ave Maria’s. Their holy Water—their Crossing themselves perpetually—their Bowing to the Name of Jesus, wherever they hear it—their Bowings, and Kneelings, and Genuflections before the Altar. The Dress of the Priest was rich with Lace—his Pulpit was Velvet and Gold. The Altar Piece was very rich—little Images and Crucifixes about—Wax Candles lighted up. But how shall I describe the Picture of our Saviour in a Frame of Marble over the Altar at full Length upon the Cross, in the Agonies, and the Blood dropping and streaming from his Wounds.
John Adams to Abigail Adams, 9 October 1774
Remember, Remember … | Beehive
Remember, Remember … | Beehive
“It was formerly a custom on these anniversaries for ye lower class of people to celebrate the evening in a manner peculiar to themselves,
Remember, Remember … | Beehive
Image 1 of South end forever [cut] North end forever. Extraordinary verses on Pope-night. or, A commemoration the fifth of November, giving a history of the attempt, made by the papishes, to blow up king and Parliament, A. D. 1588. Together with some accou
Image 1 of South end forever [cut] North end forever. Extraordinary verses on Pope-night. or, A commemoration the fifth of November, giving a history of the attempt, made by the papishes, to blow up king and Parliament, A. D. 1588. Together with some accou
The fights, and brawling of Pope Night celebrations in Boston provided the crowd mobilization ground work for Stamp Act Rios
Image 1 of South end forever [cut] North end forever. Extraordinary verses on Pope-night. or, A commemoration the fifth of November, giving a history of the attempt, made by the papishes, to blow up king and Parliament, A. D. 1588. Together with some accou
Founders Online: From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Johnson, 23 August 1750
Founders Online: From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Johnson, 23 August 1750
Teachers of the 21st century could use this as inspiration
I think with you, that nothing is of more importance for the public weal, than to form and train up youth in wisdom and virtue. Wise and good men are, in my opinion, the strength of a state: much more so than riches or arms, which, under the management of Ignorance and Wickedness, often draw on destruction, instead of providing for the safety of a people. And though the culture bestowed on many should be successful only with a few, yet the influence of those few and the service in their power, may be very great.
Your objection about the politeness of Philadelphia, and your imagined rusticity, is mere compliment; and your diffidence of yourself absolutely groundless.
Founders Online: From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Johnson, 23 August 1750
Smallpox: Variolation
Smallpox: Variolation
The history of medicine provides a strong narrative to teach globalization and the spread of ideas. Ask students if they believe that people used to snort the dried and ground up scabs of smallpox victims and few will believe you. Connecting that to their textbook which teaches that Edward Jenner was the pioneer of smallpox vaccine shows them how much of the history they read isn't even half of the story.
Smallpox: Variolation
Historian Gordon Wood responds to the New York Times’ defense of the 1619 Project - World Socialist Web Site
Historian Gordon Wood responds to the New York Times’ defense of the 1619 Project - World Socialist Web Site
one of the primary reasons the colonists decided to declare their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery.” I don’t know of any colonist who said that they wanted independence in order to preserve their slaves.
There is no evidence in 1776 of a rising movement to abolish the Atlantic slave trade, as the 1619 Project erroneously asserts, nor is there any evidence the British government was eager to do so
Historian Gordon Wood responds to the New York Times’ defense of the 1619 Project - World Socialist Web Site
The American Revolution
The American Revolution
once a slave reached British lines anywhere in North America, his or her status as property ended; no one could claim that he or she belonged to someone else. Also, former slaves did not have to fight in the army to gain freedom; they could do whatever they chose to do. And as British commander-in-chief in America, Clinton's order applied to the entire country as official policy.
In 1783, as peace talks neared their conclusion, Sir Guy Carleton, Clinton's successor as commander-in-chief, established, with the full support of the British government in London, the policy that all former slaves who reached the British lines before November 30, 1782 (when an initial peace agreement was signed) were free and therefore could not be considered as property under the terms of any peace treaty. Carleton restated the policy directly to George Washington in a meeting on May 6, 1783, telling the Virginia plantation owner that he had no intention of returning any black who had gained freedom behind British lines and, in fact, was already in the process of evacuating them to "Nova Scotia or wherever else he [or she] may think proper." Almost 4,000 former slaves left New York with the British in 1783. Furthermore, loyalists could not claim any compensation for slaves as property left behind or seized by patriots.
The American Revolution
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre
In this lesson, students will be asked to learn the disputed and agreed upon facts of the Boston Massacre in small groups and then discuss them and propose a website definition of the Massacre as a class. This lesson should not only provide students with an opportunity to look at disparate representations of so-called history facts surrounding a very famous event that preceded the American Revolution, but will also teach them to deliberate with their classmates in a cordial fashion.
The Boston Massacre
From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson, 22 December 1783
From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson, 22 December 1783
I do not wish you to be gayly clothed at this time of life, but that what you wear should be fine of it’s kind; but above all things, and at all times let your clothes be clean, whole, and properly put on
From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson, 22 December 1783
From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson, 28 November 1783
From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson, 28 November 1783
The acquirements which I hope you will make under the tutors I have provided for you will render you more worthy of my love, and if they cannot increase it they will prevent it’s diminution
Translates as "learning might not make me love you, but at least it should prevent me from losing my love for you"
From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson, 28 November 1783
From George Washington to Bryan Fairfax, 24 August 1774
From George Washington to Bryan Fairfax, 24 August 1774
I shall not undertake to say where the Line between Great Britain and the Colonies should be drawn, but I am clearly of opinion that one ought to be drawn; & our Rights clearly ascertaind.
but the Crisis is arrivd when we must assert our Rights, or Submit to every Imposition that can be heap’d upon us; till custom and use, will make us as tame, & abject Slaves, as the Blacks we Rule over with such arbitrary Sway.
From George Washington to Bryan Fairfax, 24 August 1774
From George Washington to George Mason, 5 April 1769
From George Washington to George Mason, 5 April 1769
<p>At a time when our lordly Masters in Great Britain will be satisfied with nothing less than the deprivation of American freedom, it seems highly necessary that something shou’d be done to avert the stroke and maintain the liberty which we have derived from our Ancestors; but the manner of doing it to answer the purpose effectually is the point in question.</p> <p>That no man shou’d scruple, or hesitate a moment to use a—ms in defence of so valuable a blessing, on which all the good and evil of life depends; is clearly my opinion; Yet A—ms I wou’d beg leave to add, should be the last resource; the de[r]nier resort. Addresses to the Throne, and remonstrances to parliament, we have already, it is said, proved the inefficacy of; how far then their attention to our rights &amp; priviledges is to be awakened or alarmed by starving their Trade &amp; manufactures, remains to be tryed.</p> <p></p>
This is the section of the letter used by Mount Vernon - which is only one portion of the letter. is this fair? Is this suprprising? https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/quotes/article/at-a-time-when-our-lordly-masters-in-great-britain-will-be-satisfied-with-nothing-less-than-the-deprivation-of-american-freedom-it-seems-highly-necessary-that-something-should-be-done-to-avert-the-stroke-and-maintain-the-liberty-which-we-have-derived-from/
The extravagant &amp; expensive man has the same good plea to retrench his Expences—He is thereby furnished with a pretext to live within bounds, and embraces it—prudence dictated œconomy to him before, but his resolution was too weak to put it in practice; for how can I, <span style="font-style: italic">says he</span>, who have lived in such &amp; such a manner change my method? I am ashamed to do it: and besides, such an alteration in the System of my living, will create suspicions of a decay in my fortune, &amp; such a thought the world must not harbour; I will e’en continue my course: till at last the course <a id="GEWN-02-08-02-pb-0180"></a> discontinues the Estate, a sale of it being the consequence of his perseverance in error.
Washington is describing rich people who continue to spend to "keep up appearances" so they look like they are successful. He says that these people will spend until they run out of money. Holton uses this in a way that might not be appropriate - he says that Washington is saying that he welcomes non-importation because it gives the rich a "pretext" for saving money. They can act and dress poor without people thinking of them as failures https://www.evernote.com/shard/s6/nl/702533/5b09c2e7-a413-4604-b630-6f94c09dd573?title=1769:%20Washington%20sees%20nonimportation%20as%20a%20way%20to%20save%20money
From George Washington to George Mason, 5 April 1769
Boston 1775: “Frantic reactions to the teaching of history”
Boston 1775: “Frantic reactions to the teaching of history”
J. L. Bell's comments on the legislation restricting the teaching of history takes an effective and particularly powerful approach, using Lincoln's "proposition" reference in the Gettysburg Address to concieve of history education as a means to prove that proposition true
In fact, if people are truly loyal to the idea that, as Abraham Lincoln said, the U.S. of A. is “dedicated to the proposition that all men [and women] are created equal,” then they should accept the meaning of the word “proposition.” That is a hypothesis to be proven, a challenge to be met, an ongoing responsibility to fix problems. <br> <br> Limiting how teachers discuss the history of race discrimination in America would be simply giving up on that proposition. It would confirm that American society is inherently, irreparably racist—exactly the idea that the people pushing these new laws ostensibly object to.
Gettysburg Address quote - Lincoln referenced a nation "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal". A "proposition" is an hypothesis - so it has to be proven. Which means we all have to work to improve it - to prove the hypothesis. What this guy is saying is that any laws which limit what teachers can teach is giving up on that proposition - great way to think about it
Boston 1775: “Frantic reactions to the teaching of history”
Another Enemy at Morristown - YouTube
Another Enemy at Morristown - YouTube
Three minute video that shows what Continental Army soldiers endured during their stay at Morristown. This video includes mention of Washington's choice to have soldiers inoculated against smallpox. This was a controversial decision that may have saved the army from destruction.
Another Enemy at Morristown - YouTube
#AsktheBarracks How Did the United States Win the Revolution - YouTube
#AsktheBarracks How Did the United States Win the Revolution - YouTube
In May of 2020, the curators and interpreters at the Old Barracks in Trenton answered questions tweeted to them from students across the state. This is a great series of questions and answers to use in the classroom
#AsktheBarracks How Did the United States Win the Revolution - YouTube