<p>At a time when our lordly Masters in Great Britain will be satisfied with nothing less than the deprivation of American freedom, it seems highly necessary that something shou’d be done to avert the stroke and maintain the liberty which we have derived from our Ancestors; but the manner of doing it to answer the purpose effectually is the point in question.</p>
<p>That no man shou’d scruple, or hesitate a moment to use a—ms in defence of so valuable a blessing, on which all the good and evil of life depends; is clearly my opinion; Yet A—ms I wou’d beg leave to add, should be the last resource; the de[r]nier resort. Addresses to the Throne, and remonstrances to parliament, we have already, it is said, proved the inefficacy of; how far then their attention to our rights & priviledges is to be awakened or alarmed by starving their Trade & manufactures, remains to be tryed.</p>
This is the section of the letter used by Mount Vernon - which is only one portion of the letter. is this fair? Is this suprprising? https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/quotes/article/at-a-time-when-our-lordly-masters-in-great-britain-will-be-satisfied-with-nothing-less-than-the-deprivation-of-american-freedom-it-seems-highly-necessary-that-something-should-be-done-to-avert-the-stroke-and-maintain-the-liberty-which-we-have-derived-from/
The extravagant & expensive man has the same good plea to retrench his Expences—He is thereby furnished with a pretext to live within bounds, and embraces it—prudence dictated œconomy to him before, but his resolution was too weak to put it in practice; for how can I, <span style="font-style: italic">says he</span>, who have lived in such & such a manner change my method? I am ashamed to do it: and besides, such an alteration in the System of my living, will create suspicions of a decay in my fortune, & such a thought the world must not harbour; I will e’en continue my course: till at last the course
<a id="GEWN-02-08-02-pb-0180"></a>
discontinues the Estate, a sale of it being the consequence of his perseverance in error.
Washington is describing rich people who continue to spend to "keep up appearances" so they look like they are successful. He says that these people will spend until they run out of money.
Holton uses this in a way that might not be appropriate - he says that Washington is saying that he welcomes non-importation because it gives the rich a "pretext" for saving money. They can act and dress poor without people thinking of them as failures https://www.evernote.com/shard/s6/nl/702533/5b09c2e7-a413-4604-b630-6f94c09dd573?title=1769:%20Washington%20sees%20nonimportation%20as%20a%20way%20to%20save%20money