05: Reform, Revival & American Culture

05: Reform, Revival & American Culture

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The Emancipator
The Emancipator
The Emancipator Newsletter, published monthly in Jonesborough, Tennessee in 1820 by Elihu Embree, advocated the abolition of slavery.
The Emancipator
Boston Review — David M. Kennedy: A Question of Character
Boston Review — David M. Kennedy: A Question of Character
In the early 19th century, Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville, to this day still the person who made the most ambitious and probably astute characterization of Americans, called us both natural joiners and yet fiercely individualistic . . . .are those both still fundamental parts of who we are? Is the American character disappearing or are we ever more solidifying it? And who will articulate it in such a way that most of us will nod in recognition?
Boston Review — David M. Kennedy: A Question of Character
The Antebellum Women's Movement
The Antebellum Women's Movement
This unit introduces students to the pre-Civil War women’s movement through primary source documents. Lesson One: The “Separate Spheres” and “Cult of True Womanhood”Doctrines; Lesson Two: Women’s Work Outside Their Homes; Lesson Three: Antebellum Temperance and Abolitionist Movements; Lesson Four: The Antebellum Women’s Movement .
The Antebellum Women's Movement
Evangelicalism in Antebellum America
Evangelicalism in Antebellum America
This module is designed to give insights into and a feel for the culture of evangelicalism during the early republic and antebellum period. It is one thing to read textbook accounts of "the Second Great Awakening" or "antebellum middle-class culture." It is another, richer experience to investigate these topics yourself through an encounter with some provocative primary sources.
Evangelicalism in Antebellum America
The Culture of Honor: How Slaveholders Responded to the Abolitionist Mail Crisis of 1835 | Jennifer Mercieca - Academia.edu
The Culture of Honor: How Slaveholders Responded to the Abolitionist Mail Crisis of 1835 | Jennifer Mercieca - Academia.edu

Could the Postmaster General of the United States order his subordinate postmaster in an American city to decline to deliver certain types of mail? Wouldn't that be a violation of the 1st Amendment? Not if the mail is abolitionists newspapers sent to Charleston South Carolina in 1835.
This article is probably more worthwhile in the hands of a teacher and not a student. This is one of the many ways in which the teacher can know more content even though they may "teach" less.

The Culture of Honor: How Slaveholders Responded to the Abolitionist Mail Crisis of 1835 | Jennifer Mercieca - Academia.edu
House of Cards: The Politics of Calling Card Etiquette in Nineteenth-Century Washington - Common-placeCommon-place: The Journal of early American Life
House of Cards: The Politics of Calling Card Etiquette in Nineteenth-Century Washington - Common-placeCommon-place: The Journal of early American Life
An article for teachers who'd be interested in treading off the common path of 19th century US History lessons and introduce students to a snapshot of the social lives of Americans ignored by the history education industry. What does the practice of sharing cards and using them to show social standing tell us about this segment of urban Americans in the 19th century? How does the naming convention on cards reflect different ideas about women taking their husband's name upon marriage? Why would daughter's names only appear on a mother's card until they are "of age"? Creative teachers can do something with this that is inherently interesting
House of Cards: The Politics of Calling Card Etiquette in Nineteenth-Century Washington - Common-placeCommon-place: The Journal of early American Life
Admissions Books for Eastern State Penitentiary - 1830s and 1840s
Admissions Books for Eastern State Penitentiary - 1830s and 1840s
Fascinating admissions books created by Thomas Larcombe, a Baptist minister who was the first to hold the position of “moral instructor” at Philadelphia's Eastern State Penitentiary in the 1830s and 1840s. There are two .csv files on this page offering details on prisoners held and released. Why not let students dig into the "raw material" of history to see what they can conclude about that time period?
Admissions Books for Eastern State Penitentiary - 1830s and 1840s
Eastern Apps: Visualizing Historic Prison Data
Eastern Apps: Visualizing Historic Prison Data

The American Philosophical Society Library holds three volumes recording the admission of prisoners into Eastern State Penitentiary. These admission books include name, crime, sentence, place of origin, race/ethnicity of inmates, as well as comments by the “moral instructor”.

This gallery presents a collection of interactive apps that let researchers explore trends in the admission books. Each app explores a different aspect of the admission data. The first analyzes word frequency in the moral instructor’s notes, the second explores trends in sentencing lengths, and the third reveals demographic information about inmates based on the sentences they were given. The admission books cover the years 1839-1850 with a two-year gap from 1843-1845.

Eastern Apps: Visualizing Historic Prison Data
Nothing to Say - Henry Thoreau complains about technology
Nothing to Say - Henry Thoreau complains about technology
Thoreau's comments about railroads the telegraph of the mid 19th century are strangely resonant to technology in the 21stn century. Does technology's conquering of time and distance improve the human condition?
Nothing to Say - Henry Thoreau complains about technology
Domestic manners of the Americans, by Francis Trollope, 1832 (book)
Domestic manners of the Americans, by Francis Trollope, 1832 (book)
This account of a French woman's journey through the United States in 1832 does not get the same attention as De Tocqueville, but it is a similar volume. Teachers and students can get a much more conversational look into life in 1830s US through segments of this book. Students can search through it for her comments about slavery, religion and the pursuit of profit
Domestic manners of the Americans, by Francis Trollope, 1832 (book)
Mental Health in the 1840s PBS Newshour Extra
Mental Health in the 1840s PBS Newshour Extra
Well-designed and presented lesson which uses historical description and primary source documents to explore the question "How does investigative journalism bring awareness to problems and help support reform efforts?"
Mental Health in the 1840s PBS Newshour Extra
John Quincy Adams and the Mole People Myth
John Quincy Adams and the Mole People Myth
The title alone should get teachers interested in following the link; it's academic click clickbait. Yet this essay describes in detail the way a story can be injected into popular understanding and take on a life of it's own, without much truth to begin with. A worthwhile read.
John Quincy Adams and the Mole People Myth
Tocqueville: Book II Chapter 6
Tocqueville: Book II Chapter 6
Here Tocqueville writes of newspapers in the 1830s in the way that someone could talk of the media today. They have the ability to drop the same idea into many minds at the same time
Tocqueville: Book II Chapter 6