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Ghost Dance Song
Ghost Dance Song
Playing this music as students walk in the classroom can show them how much different this music is from whatever music (church/popular culture) heard in the 1809s.
Ghost Dance Song
How the US stole thousands of Native American children - YouTube - Vox
How the US stole thousands of Native American children - YouTube - Vox
13 minute video Toward the end of the 19th century, the US took thousands of Native American children and enrolled them in off-reservation boarding schools, stripping them of their cultures and languages. Yet decades later as the US phased out the schools, following years of indigenous activism, it found a new way to assimilate Native American children: promoting their adoption into white families. Watch the episode to find out how these two distinct eras in US history have had lasting impacts on Native American families.
How the US stole thousands of Native American children - YouTube - Vox
Not In Our Honor
Not In Our Honor
Not In Our Honor was formed in 2005 by a group of Native American College students at the University of Kansas and Haskell Indian Nations University. They have continued to advocate against the use of Native American imagery in sports.
Not In Our Honor
American Psychological Association American Indian Mascots
American Psychological Association American Indian Mascots
This provides scientific evidence of the destructive effects of Native American school and sports teams mascots on Native populations. In 2005 the APA called for the retirement of all American Indians mascots
American Psychological Association American Indian Mascots
Imagining The Indian Film - YouTube
Imagining The Indian Film - YouTube
The "Imagining the Indian - fight against Native American Mascots" movie trailer and the others on this channel can help teachers link their lessons about the past to the present. What do Americans need to know about the past to understand the present?"
Imagining The Indian Film - YouTube
THE WEST - Ken Burns
THE WEST - Ken Burns
This multimedia guided tour proceeds chapter-by-chapter through each episode in the series, offering selected documentary materials, archival images and commentary, as well as links to background information and other resources of the web site
THE WEST - Ken Burns
Governors of California - Peter Burnett, State of the State Address 1851
Governors of California - Peter Burnett, State of the State Address 1851
The taught narrative canon relegates 19th century California to the Gold Rush and the Compromise of 1850, that's about it. Yet shortly after becoming a state, the Governor call for a "War of Extermination" of the native population.
Governors of California - Peter Burnett, State of the State Address 1851
Buffalo Bill Digitized Advertisement
Buffalo Bill Digitized Advertisement
Setting students loose in this advertisement will yield things teachers can't anticipate to make a truly authentic history experience. Although Buffalo Bill was advertising his show as authentic as well - this is authentic history
Buffalo Bill Digitized Advertisement
Northern Plains History and Cultures | Resource Overview
Northern Plains History and Cultures | Resource Overview
This online lesson provides perspectives from Native American community members, images, objects, and other sources to help students and teachers think about the significance that homelands, kinship systems, and nationhood hold for Native Peoples of the Northern Plains. Explore four case studies to learn more about the relationships that help to create a sense of belonging.
Northern Plains History and Cultures | Resource Overview
5.7-Asian-Americans-Our-History-Our-Future.mp4 on Vimeo
5.7-Asian-Americans-Our-History-Our-Future.mp4 on Vimeo
This three minute clip belongs somewhere in a US History course - either tied with the the building of the transcontinental railroad, the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Japanese-American incarceration of World War II, or the Korean experience of the LA Riots. Its value comes in 3 minutes of video showing examples of the Asian American experience across time
5.7-Asian-Americans-Our-History-Our-Future.mp4 on Vimeo
Senator Deb Fischer Highlights Chief Standing Bear Statue In U.S. Capitol - YouTube
Senator Deb Fischer Highlights Chief Standing Bear Statue In U.S. Capitol - YouTube
What do Americans have to know about their past to understand their present? This question is answered in different ways by different people so students have to understand how that is done. In this two minute video, a US Senator explains how the state of Nebraska replaced its statute of William Jennings Bryan with Chief Standing Bear. He may have a statute in the capitol, but does he hold a place in the taught narrative canon of US History?
Senator Deb Fischer Highlights Chief Standing Bear Statue In U.S. Capitol - YouTube
The Dawes Act (U.S. National Park Service)
The Dawes Act (U.S. National Park Service)
Notice how the label "assimilation" is used to describe the purpose of Indian policy. Who at the NPS argued that "ethnic cleansing" would have been a more accurate term?
The Dawes Act (U.S. National Park Service)
Carlisle Indian School - Carlisle Indian School Project
Carlisle Indian School - Carlisle Indian School Project

Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, opened in 1879 as the first government-run boarding school for Native American children. The goal? Forced assimilation of Native children into white American society under the belief of “Kill the Indian, Save the Man.”
We aim to create a collaborative, sustainable legacy honoring the achievements, struggles, and contributions of the students who attended the Carlisle Indian Industrial School and to bring awareness to the general public of the far-reaching impact of the boarding school era’s goals of education and assimilation.

Carlisle Indian School - Carlisle Indian School Project
Harvard Holds Human Remains of 19 Likely Enslaved Individuals, Thousands of Native Americans, Draft Report Says | News | The Harvard Crimson
Harvard Holds Human Remains of 19 Likely Enslaved Individuals, Thousands of Native Americans, Draft Report Says | News | The Harvard Crimson
Connections of past to the present are found here in a report regarding the remains of enslaved people and Native Americans by Harvard University. This report is prompted in part by a federal law that requires the return of Native American human remains
Harvard Holds Human Remains of 19 Likely Enslaved Individuals, Thousands of Native Americans, Draft Report Says | News | The Harvard Crimson
Federal Indian Boarding School Report 2022
Federal Indian Boarding School Report 2022
This report shows for the first time that between 1819 and 1969, the United States operated or supported 408 boarding schools across 37 states (or then-territories), including 21 schools in Alaska and 7 schools in Hawaii. This report identifies each of those schools by name and location, some of which operated across multiple sites.
Federal Indian Boarding School Report 2022
THE MYSTERY OF NOW - Native American Experience today
THE MYSTERY OF NOW - Native American Experience today
In the short film, “The Mystery of Now,” artist and Apache Skateboards founder, Douglas Miles shares socio-political context around the history that lead to life on the San Carlos Apache reservation, and the personal history of how and why he started a skateboard brand and team of local youth leaders. His advice on cultivating resilience, creativity, and joy, provides guidance in a time that for many feels uncertain, polarizing and divisive in our living rooms and around our dinner tables.
THE MYSTERY OF NOW - Native American Experience today | Our home on native land | Our home on native land
Indigenous led Native Land Digital is a Canadian not-for-profit organization that created this map which is unique in that it shows native lands in native language and the competing claims to land among them. At the very least, this can show students the widespread diversity of people incorrectly referred to at one people | Our home on native land
'America is a stolen country' - YouTube
'America is a stolen country' - YouTube
Alcoholism, unemployment and suicide are problems associated with Native American reservations in the US. But a new generation of young activists are dedicating themselves to a brighter future. Benjamin Zand from the BBC's Pop-Up team is on a reservation in South Dakota -- in the heart of America's midwest.
'America is a stolen country' - YouTube
The Carlisle Indian Industrial School: Assimilation with Education after the Indian Wars (Teaching with Historic Places) (U.S. National Park Service)
The Carlisle Indian Industrial School: Assimilation with Education after the Indian Wars (Teaching with Historic Places) (U.S. National Park Service)
This site is hosted by the National Park Service of the United States. Students can be tasked with scouring the language of this site, looking closely at the words chosen to describe the schools and what they did.
The Carlisle Indian Industrial School: Assimilation with Education after the Indian Wars (Teaching with Historic Places) (U.S. National Park Service)
Statistics About Pine Ridge Reservation - Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation
Statistics About Pine Ridge Reservation - Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation
One way to start a lesson concerning Native Americans is to give students a selection of some of these statistics and have them guess where in the world they would find it. After they fumble around and guess for a while, tell that that you are talking about the United States - then let them guess where in the USA they would find 97% of the population living below the pverty line
Statistics About Pine Ridge Reservation - Friends of Pine Ridge Reservation
AmRev360: Mascots, Monuments, and Memory with Ray Halbritter | Museum of the American Revolution | Philadelphia History Museum
AmRev360: Mascots, Monuments, and Memory with Ray Halbritter | Museum of the American Revolution | Philadelphia History Museum
"Oneida Indian Nation leader Ray Halbritter joins Museum President & CEO Dr. R. Scott Stephenson for the latest episode of AmRev360. The conversation explores Halbritter's role in leading the “Change the Mascot” movement, the history of the Oneida Indian Nation, the difference between celebration and commemoration, and the importance of a diverse, nuanced telling of our nation’s history."
AmRev360: Mascots, Monuments, and Memory with Ray Halbritter | Museum of the American Revolution | Philadelphia History Museum