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Wealth Inequality in America
Wealth Inequality in America
Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actuality is
Wealth Inequality in America
U.S. Senate: "Treason of the Senate"
U.S. Senate: "Treason of the Senate"
The 17th amendment doesn't get nearly enough attention. If students were made aware of the switch to popular election of Senators, they might be better equipped to think about the face that six Senators represent the 2 million people in Wyoming, Vermont and Alaska AND six Senators represent 90 million people in California, Florida and Texas
U.S. Senate: "Treason of the Senate"
History of woman suffrage; : Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
History of woman suffrage; : Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
860+ pages written by the people who fought for the right to vote. This is just one of six volumes that included primary source record of the fight that went on for decades. This is ripe for a "Free-range" primary document exercise - what could student learn by searching different words and phrases through this book?
History of woman suffrage; : Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Special Report: How AT&T helped build far-right One America News
Special Report: How AT&T helped build far-right One America News
Teachers might not be able to explain this to students,. In fact, it might be difficult for them to understand themselves. Yet as they teach students through the Progressive Era it is just these sort of relationships between corporations that they need to think about to keep their teaching relevant
Special Report: How AT&T helped build far-right One America News
Abstract | Alexander Street Documents
Abstract | Alexander Street Documents
Birth control history lesson that shows a very effective format for document lessons - the drop down menu of documents
Abstract | Alexander Street Documents
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire influencer
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire influencer
TikTok video showing what early 20 century misinformation would look like using 21 century tools. Worth the less than minute it will take to watch to decide whether it can fit in a Progressive Era lesson - perhaps a discussion prompt or lesson starter
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire influencer
The Irrelevance of That “3 Billionaires Have More Wealth Than Half of America” Factoid - Foundation for Economic Education
The Irrelevance of That “3 Billionaires Have More Wealth Than Half of America” Factoid - Foundation for Economic Education
This should be easy for students to tear apart - provide it to them along with the proof of the statistic and have them dissect the argument offered by this writer for the Foundation for EconomiC Education. Spoiler alert - the argument is that children, prisoners, people just starting their careers and retired are included in the statatisic.
The Irrelevance of That “3 Billionaires Have More Wealth Than Half of America” Factoid - Foundation for Economic Education
Wealth Inequality in America: Key Facts & Figures | St. Louis Fed
Wealth Inequality in America: Key Facts & Figures | St. Louis Fed
Excellent resource to communicate income and wealth disparity in the United States. Teachers coupling this with Progressive Era lessons can help students see connections across time but more importantly shatter pervasive and almost unmovable assumptions about the economy
Wealth Inequality in America: Key Facts & Figures | St. Louis Fed
How Woodrow Wilson’s racist policies eroded the Black civil service | Haas News | Berkeley Haas
How Woodrow Wilson’s racist policies eroded the Black civil service | Haas News | Berkeley Haas
Any argument referencing "systematic" racism would be well-served by research into the segregation of the federal workforce during the Wilson administration. Census data shows a significant wage gap and suppression of black home-ownership resulting from federally sanctioned segregation and discrimination
How Woodrow Wilson’s racist policies eroded the Black civil service | Haas News | Berkeley Haas
The Strange Case of Booker T. Washington's Birthday
The Strange Case of Booker T. Washington's Birthday
Students should read this article. The searches it details are exactly the research skills and habits of mind they'll need to navigate their world. Its also a great way for teachers to change their teaching from just one story to teaching how stories are told
The Strange Case of Booker T. Washington's Birthday
Sanborn Maps Navigator
Sanborn Maps Navigator
The map digitization tool will take you to fire insurance maps made at the turn of the 20th century, allowing you to see what cities, towns looked like at that time
Sanborn Maps Navigator
Heirs of Plessy v. Ferguson team up for change -
Heirs of Plessy v. Ferguson team up for change -
This five minute video is a local news broadcast featuring the great granddaughter New Orleans judge Ferguson and the great grandson of a cousin of Homer Plessy. Their meeting is hard to believe, but what they did after they met is even more important. Students should see this
Heirs of Plessy v. Ferguson team up for change -
1901: "Sexual inversion" book by Havelock Ellis
1901: "Sexual inversion" book by Havelock Ellis

Ellis was an English physician, eugenicist, writer, progressive intellectual and social reformer who studied human sexuality. This is considered the first medical textbook in English on homosexuality.

1901: "Sexual inversion" book by Havelock Ellis
Race traits and tendencies of the American Negro : Hoffman, Frederick L. (Frederick Ludwig), 1865-1946
Race traits and tendencies of the American Negro : Hoffman, Frederick L. (Frederick Ludwig), 1865-1946
Using data from the 1890s census, Frederick Hoffman argues that African-Americans are a race that is going extinct, justifying higher insurance rates for them or the denial of coverage. he was an executive for the Prudential Insurance Company. He was also the PResident of the American Statistical Association and his papers are not housed at the National Library of Medicine
Race traits and tendencies of the American Negro : Hoffman, Frederick L. (Frederick Ludwig), 1865-1946