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1911 - A Trip Through New York City (speed corrected w/ added sound) - YouTube
1911 - A Trip Through New York City (speed corrected w/ added sound) - YouTube
High Quality film of New York City in the year 1911. Print has survived in mint condition. Slowed down footage to a natural rate and added in sound for ambiance. This film was taken by the Swedish company Svenska Biografteatern on a trip to America
1911 - A Trip Through New York City (speed corrected w/ added sound) - YouTube
Oldest footage of New York City ever
Oldest footage of New York City ever
This eight and a half minute collection of film footage of New York taken between 1896 and 1905 provides fascinating insight into street life of the early progressive era. See NYC before skyscrapers and have a better understanding of what street life looked like. Easy to play during class changing time (with the sound off to hide cheesy music) and use as a Do Now response - what can we learn from this?
Oldest footage of New York City ever