14: Depression and New Deal

14: Depression and New Deal

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Statistical Abstracts of the United States
Statistical Abstracts of the United States
The largest collection of statistical data from the United States Census. Current information already formatted into excel spreadsheets.
Statistical Abstracts of the United States
Surviving the Dust Bowl PBS
Surviving the Dust Bowl PBS
Companion site for American Experience documentary with articles, timeline and links to resources
Surviving the Dust Bowl PBS
Dorothea Lange Photos
Dorothea Lange Photos
24 pre-World War II photographs, taken for the U.S. Farm Security Administration (FSA), investigating living conditions of families hired to work in cotton fields and farms in Arizona and California
Dorothea Lange Photos
Townsend Old Age Pension Plan
Townsend Old Age Pension Plan
Overview of the plan from Social Security agency with links to primary documents and other articles about the plan
Townsend Old Age Pension Plan
Dr. Francis E. Townsend's autobiography
Dr. Francis E. Townsend's autobiography
Excerpts from his autobiography, called "New Horizons", from Social Security site. In these excerpts he describes the plan and explains how it could gain support among the American public
Dr. Francis E. Townsend's autobiography
Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933)
Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933)
This act of May 18, 1933, created the Tennessee Valley Authority to oversee the construction of dams to control flooding, improve navigation, and create cheap electric power in the Tennessee Valley basin. The TVA is a Federal public power corporation that happens to be the largest public power company in the United States. It serves 80,000 square miles in the southeastern United States and runs the nation’s fifth-largest river system in order to control flooding, make rivers easier to travel, provide recreation, and protect water quality. It runs facilities for generating electric power including 29 hydroelectric dams, 11 coal-fired plants, and 3 nuclear power plants. The TVA is another exception to generally held beliefs concerning capitalism and communism.
Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933)
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
On June 16, 1933, this act established the National Recovery Administration, which supervised fair trade codes and guaranteed laborers a right to collective bargaining.
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
Social Security Act (1935)
Social Security Act (1935)
On August 14, 1935, the Social Security Act established a system of old-age benefits for workers, benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind, and the physically handicapped.
Social Security Act (1935)
FDR and the Depression
FDR and the Depression
Companion site to documentary, be sure to check out maps, transcripts and "Webography" links to primary documents
FDR and the Depression
The Bonus March (May-July, 1932)
The Bonus March (May-July, 1932)
Companion site for American Experience documentary with articles, timeline and links to resources
The Bonus March (May-July, 1932)