14: Depression and New Deal

14: Depression and New Deal

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Primary Doc lesson using the FERA Report 1936
Primary Doc lesson using the FERA Report 1936
Pages 1 through 26 of the 1936 report of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration report provide a synopsis of the transient relief problem facing the country in the Great Depression. Students as a class can be told that they have to come up with a summary of the situation in 20 minutes using this source. They divide and assign roles, they strategize how to get the work done. They do it, then have a whole class discussion. They learn a skill while soaking in the content
Primary Doc lesson using the FERA Report 1936
Federal Housing Administration Underwriting Manual
Federal Housing Administration Underwriting Manual
Written in 1938, this guide to Federal Housing shows how the federal government and New Deal programs promoted segregation. Teachers can share this link with students and tell them to search the word "racial" - it appears about 16 times in the book. What conclusions can they draw from what they've found? What other questions do they have?
Federal Housing Administration Underwriting Manual
New Jersey | Living New Deal
New Jersey | Living New Deal
New Jersey teachers can give students first hand evidence of what the New Deal did for them, right in their backyard. This site is filled with maps, pictures and descriptions of various New Deal projects in New Jersey
New Jersey | Living New Deal
America's Town Meeting Of The Air - Personal Liberty And The Modern State - YouTube
America's Town Meeting Of The Air - Personal Liberty And The Modern State - YouTube
This is an audio recording of one of the first radio talk shows in American history. Listening to this recording gives insight into debates about the New Deal in real time. 21st century students and teachers can compare and contrast political dialogue then and now. Teachers with time can find primary sources in this one hour recording
America's Town Meeting Of The Air - Personal Liberty And The Modern State - YouTube
Roosevelt's New Deal Wasn't All Government Spending - The Atlantic
Roosevelt's New Deal Wasn't All Government Spending - The Atlantic
Instead of having students create and memorize a chart of acroynyms that means nothing to them and they will soon forget, invest the time to have them read this article and figure out what it is saying. It would be a reading comprehension and vocabulary in context lesson that also immerses them in the economic arguments of public and private investment that colors the relationship between the federal government and the national economy
Roosevelt's New Deal Wasn't All Government Spending - The Atlantic
(1) Bonus Army "Routed" (1932) - YouTube
(1) Bonus Army "Routed" (1932) - YouTube
This 2 minute video captures the clearing of Bonus Army veterans from Anacostia Flats in Washington DC., It is important to tell students that these are World War I veterans being evicted from their shack/tent city built in Washington following their march to get the pension money that was owed to them by the federal government
(1) Bonus Army "Routed" (1932) - YouTube
Bonus Army - YouTube
Bonus Army - YouTube
8 minute video that gives context to a lesson about the Bonus Army or the Great Depression
Bonus Army - YouTube
Reefer Madness 1936 -2 min video film trailer
Reefer Madness 1936 -2 min video film trailer
Unabashed propaganda film on the perils of marijuana use. Clean-cut WASP couple Bill and Mary are innocent high school students who play tennis and drink tea on the back porch. Their friend Jimmy introduces them to a pot dealer named Jack, who invites Bill back to his den of inequity,
Reefer Madness 1936 -2 min video film trailer
Federal Housing Authority Underwriting manual; underwriting analysis under ... 1936 Apr.. -
Federal Housing Authority Underwriting manual; underwriting analysis under ... 1936 Apr.. -
Should New Deal lessons include primary documents that evidence the federal support of segregation on a national scale? This section of the 1936 FHA manual document the agency's suggestion that private housing lenders look for restrictive racial covenants in home sale documents when deciding to approve a mortgage. If a lender wanted to have the loan insured by the federal government, they would need to meet these requirements
Federal Housing Authority Underwriting manual; underwriting analysis under ... 1936 Apr.. -
Segregated By Design - video
Segregated By Design - video
16 minute video narrated by "Color of Law" author Richard Rothstein. Active graphics, music and narrative make this an engaging video
Segregated By Design - video
Class 11: Designing Inequality – Ed Methods
Class 11: Designing Inequality – Ed Methods
"Compare neighborhood designation and some Census data 1940 to what the neighborhood is like today (Data from Zillow or Redfin. Which also sometime show interiors of home.)"
Class 11: Designing Inequality – Ed Methods
Bloomberg TV on Twitter: ""The Reddit WallStreetBets community in particular, and retail investors more generally, this year have really taken to buying options," says QVR Adivsors CIO, Benn Eifert. Hear more about the battle between institutional and ret
Bloomberg TV on Twitter: ""The Reddit WallStreetBets community in particular, and retail investors more generally, this year have really taken to buying options," says QVR Adivsors CIO, Benn Eifert. Hear more about the battle between institutional and ret
Teachers need only show about a minute of this 6 minute video to give students of the language of buying and selling stocks on Wall Street today. With a growing retail market and apps like Robinhood, it has never been easier to get into market, yet as this video shows, its harder to understand it. Or, do people think they understand it because they can throw around these words?
Bloomberg TV on Twitter: ""The Reddit WallStreetBets community in particular, and retail investors more generally, this year have really taken to buying options," says QVR Adivsors CIO, Benn Eifert. Hear more about the battle between institutional and ret
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Master Speech File, 1898-1945 | Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Master Speech File, 1898-1945 | Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum
Whenever a teacher looks through an FDR primary source activity from a publisher they should think about this list. While they might be looking at a speech that the publisher tells them was made in October, 1932, they may not provide any extra information. That's a lack of citation that we wouldn't accpet from students. Was the pessch in Atlantia or Pirrtsbiurgh - don't you thgink that would make a difference. Was it at the beginning of the month of October, or right before the election? Doesn't that make a difference also?
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Master Speech File, 1898-1945 | Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum
#3 - Monthly report of the Federal Emergency Relief ... 1933:May-1934:Dec.. - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library
#3 - Monthly report of the Federal Emergency Relief ... 1933:May-1934:Dec.. - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library
Instead of having students copy down a few statistics found in a textbook, they can scan through this primary document to get a sense of the effects of the Great Depression. The first two pages provide a clear perspective of the relationship between the government and the people that could serve as a spark for a discussion. There is also a lot of material for a DBQ.
#3 - Monthly report of the Federal Emergency Relief ... 1933:May-1934:Dec.. - Full View | HathiTrust Digital Library
AT&T Archives: Introduction to the Dial Telephone - YouTube
AT&T Archives: Introduction to the Dial Telephone - YouTube
Although older teachers like to joke about students, and their younger teaching colleagues, not knowing how a rotary phone worked, there was a time when no one knew how to use it. when it was invented. This Bell Telephone System video taught people how to use the dial when in was introduced in 1936
AT&T Archives: Introduction to the Dial Telephone - YouTube
State Franchise Law Carjacks Auto Buyers | Mercatus Center
State Franchise Law Carjacks Auto Buyers | Mercatus Center
"State auto franchise laws extensively regulate the contractual obligations between manufacturers and dealers. They prevent manufacturers from selling new vehicles (and related services) directly to the public, often mandate exclusive territories for dealers, and make it difficult for manufacturers to terminate dealers. "
State Franchise Law Carjacks Auto Buyers | Mercatus Center