14: Depression and New Deal

14: Depression and New Deal

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Letters to (and from) Eleanor Roosevelt | APM Reports
Letters to (and from) Eleanor Roosevelt | APM Reports
These letters provide insight into the severity of the Depression but also the vitriol and hatred faced by Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt. People who lament the discourse of the 21st century should look to these to see that what they are complaining about is not really knew
Letters to (and from) Eleanor Roosevelt | APM Reports
Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization 1930
Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization 1930
Crtl-F words like "Mexicans", "Indians", "Negros", "inferior" "peon", "race" in this record of congressional deliberations during the Depression to see the way in which race was candidly discussed during the time.
Hearings before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization 1930