Is President Trump Fascist? | NYT Opinion
The Debate Over Japanese Internment Is Deeply Flawed
This five minute read can show teachers how their lesson on Japanese detention is incomplete, inaccurate and wrong. It only takes the inclusion of a few details to strengthen their lessons and make them more accurate - not only for the event itself, but for the discipline of history as well.
Salt Lake City governors' meeting | Densho Encyclopedia
Teaching students about the forced incarceration of Japanese Americans is really only half the story. Look at what governors of states who housed the concentration camps said when the plan was proposed.
Appeal of President Roosevelt to Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Poland. September 1, 1939.
FDR appealed to the belligerent countries at the start of World War to to refrain from bombing innocent civilians. Ironic considering what the USA would do just six years later. A similar note was sent to the Soviet Union on December 1 1939
Cardi B talks about FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt - History is infectious
2 minutes of Cardi B talking about her love of history - and in particular, FDR. Easy enough to share with students, showing them that not all of the people they expect love history
Exhibiting the 'Enola Gay' – FOCUS Interview with Gregg Herken - YouTube
15 minute interview regarding the exhibit controversy
Incarceration at Fort Oglethorpe during World War I | States of Incarceration
Though dwarfed in size by the incarceration of Japanese-Americans in World War II, the incarceration of German citizens in World War I is similar - though largely unknown as aspect of the war
Project To Be Unveiled In LA Names Every Japanese American Incarcerated During WWII | LAist
Say their names
Women On The Warpath (1943) - Inside The Willow Run B-24 Plant - YouTube
Pure propaganda from the Ford Motor Company describing the woman workers we know now as "Rosie the Riveter" How much of the language of this film is considered sexist by most people of the 2020s?
American Rosie the Riveter Association (ARRA) Willow Run Chapter
Some of the women in those black and white pictures are still with us. This is their club. Students should see these images to know how to connect the "Rosies" they see in the photographs and the senior citizens they see today
See You Next Year! High School Yearbooks from WWII : Home | The National WWII Museum
Easiest but perhaps most rewarding World War II lesson a teacher could use - just have students look through these to defensible understandings of the effect of World War II on the homefront. Search "Asian" or "Japanese", particularly in west coast schools, yields interesting results
The Nuremberg Trials. Visual Tour | courtroom600
The Smithsonian and the Enola Gay - Air Force Magazine 2004
The Last Act: The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: a planned exhibit by The National Air and Space Museum
This provides a side by side of the first and last draft of the exhibit, both of which were eventually dropped .
The End of World War II, The Atomic Bomband the Origins of the Cold War"
The Enola Gay and the Smithsonian Chronology of the Controversy Including Key Documents (1993-1995)
This is collection of documents includes the conceptual plans and script of the exhibit as well as correspondence
The Enola Gay Controversy - About - Overview
Why the Aircraft That Dropped the First Atomic Bomb Will Always Inspire Debate | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian Magazine
Saving Private Ryan: History vs. Hollywood | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans
"“Studying history … one of the hardest things to understand is that when you see that red and blue line on the map, when you see the arrow, when you see the unit identifiers, everything is presented in a concrete, discrete manner. It gives the impression of a sense of clarity and understanding that simply was not possible."
[Saving Private Ryan] and Historical Accuracy |
"The event was part of a symposium held at the National World War II Museum to mark the 20th anniversary of the film’s release"
Historians Protest New Enola Gay Exhibit | Perspectives on History | AHA
History and the Culture Wars: The Case of the Smithsonian Institution's Enola Gay Exhibition | Smithsonian Institution Archives
Enola Gay | National Air and Space Museum
Controversy over the Enola Gay Exhibition | Atomic Heritage Foundation
Translating War: The Combat Film Genre and Saving Private Ryan | Perspectives on History | AHA
The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb | Harry S. Truman
Telegrams, notes, press releases and meeting minutes related to the dropping of the atomic bomb. This site should be included in any listing of resources students could use in a basic "Why did we drop the bomb?" debate/project.
Nine Harrowing Eyewitness Accounts of the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki | History | Smithsonian Magazine
The Italian Campaign and the Road to Rome in rare color photos, 1943-1945 - Rare Historical Photos
Switch out those old black and white pictures in your slides with these.
Special Focus: 1943 Race Riot · Before the Unrest: 1940 - 1967 · 12th Street Detroit
The race riots in Detroit concerning civilian employment of black workers and the housing of their families directly contradicts the myth canon of a unified nation "coming together" to fight world war II. Move through the other sections of this site to get pictures and other primary documents to show to students. One approach is to show them without dates and ask the students to identify them
Our Documents - Executive Order 9066: Resulting in the Relocation of Japanese (1942)
This site, published and maintained by the federal government of the United States, describes the people forcibly incarcerated by the federal government in 1942 as "evacuees". Why? Students should be presented with this page, discuss where they see the word "evacuee" and what it means. Then write to the national archives and ask them why they use this word.