18: Turbulent 1960s
If the font of garbage spewing from our screens and speakers aren't enough to inspire teachers to weave language instruction into Civics and Social Studies, this article will do it for them. Only for teachers, or perhaps advanced high school students. - Here's a taste Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble. If one gets rid of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration.
J. R. Licklider's 1968 paper in which he wrote that "in a few years, men will communicate through machine easier than they communicate face to face." His drawings of a meeting facilitated by computers is a remarkably accurate prediction of more than 30 years before PowerPoint became ubiquitous. Included here also is Licklider's "Man Comnputer Symbiosis" in which he argues for a simpler interface between people and computers.
This collection of anchor scripts and film footage from a local Virginia television station can be mined for footage showing local impact of national events and trends. Yet in-between Vietnam and Civil Rights, there are many examples of what daily life was like for Americans in Virginia throughout this time period.
Click through the folders organized by year on the left and find clips by reading the brief synopsis of stories. There are many stories on beauty pageants, soap-box derbies, and car accidents. See how the fashion, technology and local interest define this time period.
Compare on contrast media stars (Cisco Kid star visits Roanoke in May 1954) or the excitement over the technology at a new bowling alley (April 1971). Better yet, listen to how political leaders use language differently (Gas tax increase in March, 1970)