19: 1970s Malaise

19: 1970s Malaise

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The Effects of Nuclear War - 1979
The Effects of Nuclear War - 1979
This 150 page report was commissioned by the United States Office of Technology Assessment to support civilian preparation for nuclear warfare.
The Effects of Nuclear War - 1979
The Intelligence Gathering Debate - www.NBCUniversalArchives.com - YouTube
The Intelligence Gathering Debate - www.NBCUniversalArchives.com - YouTube
Watch and listen to Congressman Frank Church explain how the technology developed to ensure the nation's security during the Cold War easily be turned against the citizens of the United States to monitor their activity as closely as the country's enemies. This was recorded in 1975.
The Intelligence Gathering Debate - www.NBCUniversalArchives.com - YouTube
Electronic Briefing Book: The Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup
Electronic Briefing Book: The Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup
This extremely important document is one of the last major pieces of the puzzle explaining American and British roles in the August 1953 coup against Iranian Premier Mohammad Mossadeq. Written in March 1954 by Donald Wilber, one of the operation's chief planners, the 200-page document is essentially an after-action report, apparently based in part on agency cable traffic and Wilber's interviews with agents who had been on the ground in Iran as the operation lurched to its conclusion. This is from the National Security Archive at George Washington University
Electronic Briefing Book: The Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup
The President's News Conference May 8, 1970
The President's News Conference May 8, 1970
Any discussion about fair and unfair questioning of the president needs to have reference to this press conference. Nixon got hammered with one question after another just a few days after the killings at Kent State
The President's News Conference May 8, 1970
White House Tapes
White House Tapes
Between 1940 and 1973, six American presidents from both political parties--FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, and Nixon--secretly recorded on tape just under 5,000 hours of their meetings and telephone conversations. The Miller Center's Presidential Recordings Program is a unique effort aimed at making these remarkable historical sources accessible
White House Tapes
George H.W. Bush diary entries August 1974
George H.W. Bush diary entries August 1974
The personal side of history is visible here as a future vice president and president records his impressions of Nixon at the point of his resignation. Teachers should include these comments and quotes in DBQ to show that there are real people living real lives and having real feelings in the past
George H.W. Bush diary entries August 1974
Wamsutta speech - Frank James, Wampanoag speech at the 350th anniversary of the landing of the pilgrims
Wamsutta speech - Frank James, Wampanoag speech at the 350th anniversary of the landing of the pilgrims
Invited to speak in 1970 at an anniversary celebration of the arrival of English settlers, Frank James, a Wampanoag, submitted a draft speech to the event's organizers and it was rejected. They wanted a speech consistent with the myth of America's founding. The protest of his speech has become the National Day of Mourning, celebrated by Natives in Plymouth every year since. This story of this speech is a vivid illustration of the struggle over the meaning of the past
Wamsutta speech - Frank James, Wampanoag speech at the 350th anniversary of the landing of the pilgrims
How Americans United for Life Is Reshaping States' Abortion Laws - The Atlantic
How Americans United for Life Is Reshaping States' Abortion Laws - The Atlantic
An essential question of the US History course asks about the best way to promote change. This article speaks to a significant movement in recent American politics that needs to be acknowledged as part of that conversation, Whether it is through this article or another, students should be exposed to this method of promoting change. It should be viewed as analytically as possible, separated from the emotion of the issue involved.
How Americans United for Life Is Reshaping States' Abortion Laws - The Atlantic
Home - TeachRock
Home - TeachRock
The more-than-120 lesson plans at TeachRock are divided into two categories. The Core Lessons explore the interconnected histories of popular music and American culture from the 19th century to the present. The Special Collections lessons are constructed alongside documentaries and feature films. Both categories are brimming with engaging resources and exciting classroom activities for teachers of all ages and disciplines.
Home - TeachRock
(1972) Gary Declaration, National Black Political Convention •
(1972) Gary Declaration, National Black Political Convention •
The National Black Convention is not found in the taught narrative canon of the Civil Rights movement, this is its declaration. Students could read it alongside a research activity that has them digging into the statistics mentioned in this statement. Conditions of the black community in 1973 were dire - have they changed?
(1972) Gary Declaration, National Black Political Convention •
Source Notes - The Invisible Bridge by Rick Perstein
Source Notes - The Invisible Bridge by Rick Perstein
These are the source notes for Rick Perlstein's third book chronicling the growth of conservatism. As these are the subject of some debate regarding the validity of history based on digital as well as paper archives, they are informative and reflect current style of research. They are also helpful to anyone launching an exploration of the 70s and 80s
Source Notes - The Invisible Bridge by Rick Perstein
40 Years Ago: How Nixon's Resignation Paved The Way For Ronald Reagan
40 Years Ago: How Nixon's Resignation Paved The Way For Ronald Reagan
Even though reading is to most history teachers a luxury denied by the tyranny of their schedule and an ever growing list of mandates, Rick Pearlstein's three volume opus on the conservative movement of the 1960s through 1980s should be on their reading list. This excerpt should convince US History teachers that these books are worth their time.
40 Years Ago: How Nixon's Resignation Paved The Way For Ronald Reagan
Reaction to the DEC Spam of 1978
Reaction to the DEC Spam of 1978
The first mass marketing message sent over the internet was an announcement of a computer company (DEC) releasing a new line of computers. This is a copy of that message and several examples of the complaints regarding it. The primitive internet was called the ARPNET and included universities, government agencies and some coporations
Reaction to the DEC Spam of 1978
Point Counterpoint from January 1 1978 - YouTube
Point Counterpoint from January 1 1978 - YouTube
3:30 minute video that will show students what opinions were like in the late 1970s. Not only does this show opinions of despair, but also the optimism that would be drawn into what would be called the "Reagan revolution" just two years later.
Point Counterpoint from January 1 1978 - YouTube
1969 New York Daily News Report of the Stonewall Riots
1969 New York Daily News Report of the Stonewall Riots
The H\headline alone should show how much has changed since 1969 This Newspaper report from the Daily News describes the events commonly acknowledged as "ground zerO" of the gay rights movement
1969 New York Daily News Report of the Stonewall Riots
Seventies Almanac - Year By Year
Seventies Almanac - Year By Year
Mostly cultural listing of events in the 1970s. Perhaps more valuable for nostalgia than inquiry, but could be used by students for project research.
Seventies Almanac - Year By Year
Ford State of Union 1975
Ford State of Union 1975
"Now, I want to speak very bluntly. I've got bad news, and I don't expect much, if any, applause. " What would students think about a president saying this to the American people? Teachers should find out by using this quote as a quick "do now" lesson intro.
Ford State of Union 1975
Blackout History Project (1965/1977)
Blackout History Project (1965/1977)
Articles and personal accounts of the Northeast Blackout of 1965 and New York City blackout of 1977. What do these blackouts tell us (if anything) about the two different time periods?
Blackout History Project (1965/1977)
Love Canal Collection -
Love Canal Collection -
An introduction to the history and background of the events that occured at Love Canal. Includes two chronologies of events, scanned documents of the Ecumenical Task Force, database of Love Canal articles, and a glossary of definitions for individuals, organizations, businesses, government agencies, chemical waste dump sites, and major issues relating to the Love Canal and other local environmental disaster areas.
Love Canal Collection -
Meltdown at Three Mile Island
Meltdown at Three Mile Island
Companion site for American Experience documentary. Includes timeline and extra information of people and events in film
Meltdown at Three Mile Island