19: 1970s Malaise

19: 1970s Malaise

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The Trial of Patty (Patricia) Hearst (1976)
The Trial of Patty (Patricia) Hearst (1976)
Comprehensive collection of articles, artifacts and documents from the "Famous Trials" site at the University of Missouri - Kansas City
The Trial of Patty (Patricia) Hearst (1976)
Hard Hat Riots
Hard Hat Riots

Look at Vietnam War protest from the perspective of those who did not oppose the war.  Seeds of the liberal conservative divide of the 00s found in 1970.

From Center for New History and Media at George Mason

Hard Hat Riots
"Original Godspell Cast on The Today Show" - YouTube
"Original Godspell Cast on The Today Show" - YouTube
A slice of the seventies counter-culture crossover into popular culture.  The original cast of the Broadway musical Godspell appear on a minstream morning program.  If we take just this example to understand the 70s is it accurate?  Does this mean we overstate the flappers of the 20s?
"Original Godspell Cast on The Today Show" - YouTube
The Decade Nobody Knows
The Decade Nobody Knows
The first chapter of THE SEVENTIES - The Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics. By Bruce J. Schulman.
The Decade Nobody Knows
Bruce Davidson - Subway Photos
Bruce Davidson - Subway Photos
Much like Jacob Riis's "How the Other Half Lives", Bruce Davidson's "Subway" exposes environments most people are unfamiliar with. This series of photographs taken of the NYC subway of the 1980s shows a world that few who live in New York would recognize.
Bruce Davidson - Subway Photos
WashingtonPost.com: Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit
WashingtonPost.com: Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit
Instead of trying to teach Watergate by lecturing the story of the break-in, the plumbers, CREEP, etc. - why not just give students this newspaper article and have them generate questions. If they can't generate a healthy list of questions from this article, no amount of story telling and lecture is going to help them.
WashingtonPost.com: Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit
Stevie Wonder - You Haven't Done Nothin' - YouTube
Stevie Wonder - You Haven't Done Nothin' - YouTube
After Stevie Wonder left Motown records and Berry Gordy gave him the free reign he had given Marvin Gaye, his string of pop and soul hits had strong political messages. None was quite as direct as this direct attack on Richard Nixon. Play this to give students a funky start to your seventies class, but remember to project the lyrics so they can see how clear this message really is. Hold the trivia that it's the Jackson 5 (including Michael) in the background.
Stevie Wonder - You Haven't Done Nothin' - YouTube
CIA Machinations in Chile in 1970 — Central Intelligence Agency
CIA Machinations in Chile in 1970 — Central Intelligence Agency
This article from the CIA itself shows the manner in which released documents involving American actions in Chile in 1973 are used to write history again. At first brush it was through the denial of any role, than a popular conception (perhaps) of a major role in which American actions overseas contradicted foundational principles of democracy at home. This article tries to find a path between the two
CIA Machinations in Chile in 1970 — Central Intelligence Agency
Sarasota Herald-Tribune - July 16, 1974 - onair suicide
Sarasota Herald-Tribune - July 16, 1974 - onair suicide
Students can get a first-hand look at 70s malaise in one issue of a Florida newspaper in 1974. Right alongside the front page story of revelations of President Nixon's role in the break-in to Pentagon Papers figure, Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office, is the story of a local news reporter who committed suicide, live on the air. Some americans seeing such news on a daily basis grew more and more despondent about the future of their country. Give this to students and ask them to find a connection between the two front page stories - would they see it that way?
Sarasota Herald-Tribune - July 16, 1974 - onair suicide
Archie meets the Meathead - YouTube
Archie meets the Meathead - YouTube
For a three minute reflection of the political divide of the early 1970s, show from the 10 to 13 minute mark of this All in the Family episode. Easy for a quick Do Now reflection or additional material for a discussion
Archie meets the Meathead - YouTube
The Greatest Play In Baseball - Rick Monday Saves U.S. Flag - YouTube
The Greatest Play In Baseball - Rick Monday Saves U.S. Flag - YouTube
Four minute video from the baseball game in which outfielder Rick Monday of the Chicago Cubs stops a man and his son from burning an American flag on the field in the middle of the game. The video also includes interviews with Monday and other players of this event that demonstrates the illustrates the decisiveness of the 1970s. This event occurred the months before the Bicentennial.
The Greatest Play In Baseball - Rick Monday Saves U.S. Flag - YouTube
Boston Bombings to protest Busing June 1976
Boston Bombings to protest Busing June 1976
A month before the celebration of the Bicentennial, June 1976, there were a series of bombings in Boston, including one at tourist attraction landmarks like Plymouth Rock and the gift shop next to the Tea Party ship replicas. Both of these were claimed as resistance to desegrations
Boston Bombings to protest Busing June 1976
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978)
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978)
Yes, employers could lawfully fire a woman for becoming pregnant before 1978. Students should be exposed to every stage of the fight for women's rights - legislation like this belongs alongside Seneca Falls and the 20th Amendment
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978)
Kathrine Switzer on the Marathon Moment That ‘Changed Millions of Women’s Lives’ - Marathon - Boston.com
Kathrine Switzer on the Marathon Moment That ‘Changed Millions of Women’s Lives’ - Marathon - Boston.com

Women were not officially permitted to run the Boston Marathon until 1972. Kathrine Switzer was able to register for the race, get a number and start running without incident because she registered, got a number and just started running. This story and the iconic photograph of her getting attacked while running the race can impress upon students to lack of advances in the women's rights movement into the 1970s. Be sure to read her story to find out more details, like how much she got support from men running the race. http://kathrineswitzer.com/about-kathrine/1967-boston-marathon-the-real-story/

Kathrine Switzer on the Marathon Moment That ‘Changed Millions of Women’s Lives’ - Marathon - Boston.com
The Battle of the Sexes - King vs. Riggs
The Battle of the Sexes - King vs. Riggs
The story of the Billy Jean King's tennis victory over Bobby Riggs in 1973 helps students understand the nature of women's rights in sports in the early 70s, though it is just as much a milemarker in the history of sports and the media. This Gilderlehrman article references Rigg's earlier victory over Court, which places the match in proper context.
The Battle of the Sexes - King vs. Riggs
'A Necessary Spectacle': 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 - The New York Times
'A Necessary Spectacle': 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 - The New York Times
Oftentimes, a book review places a historical event in context for student better than anything a textbook could do. This brief review of a book focusing on the iconic "Battle of the Sexes" match between Billy Jean King and Bobby Riggs is a sure-fire hit for a homework assignment or spark for class discussion. Teachers trying to teach connections of history are much better off using something students can relate with, like current women sports stars, than with something from the 19th century
'A Necessary Spectacle': 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 - The New York Times