The Fed - Distribution: Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989
9/11: As Events Unfold | Transportation Security Administration
This 4 minute video includes government, military and personal audio communication and phone calls is combined with video footage makes for an extremely difficult video to watch. This shouldn't be used for high school students but teachers needing to center themselves before teaching a 9/11 lesson - this will put them in an authentic frame of mind
For the undying 9/11 MORONIC JET FUEL ARGUMENT
Two minutes of a blacksmith showing what happens to steel when it is heated to 1,500 degrees. Conspiracy theories will say that jet fuels burns at 1,500 degrees but steel doesn't mealy until it reaches 2,500 degrees, so the Twin Towers did not collapse because of burning jet fuel. This blacksmith shows the stupidity of that thinking in just two minutes
TRUE BELIEVERS AT THE INSURRECTION- From Charlottesville to the Capitol
The Hidden Tribes of America
2018 report detailed the social and political landscape of the United States
Grover Norquist - We just need a President to sign this stuff
February 2012 Republican Party talking point - elect the most conservative Republican in every House seat and every Senator - all we need then is a president with enough working digits to use a pen. We don't need a president who can think. This prediction can be seen to lead the way to President Trump
United States Department of Defense - Law of War Manual - July 2023
It's difficult to explain to students that there are written laws of war when the conflicts they explore, particularly in the 20th century are replete with examples of untethered violence.
The Iraq War
The Bush Presidential Library blame the was on "unreliable or misinterpreted intelligence"
Lesson about the war in Iraq will be unfinished for some years to come - this National Library of Medicine provides some insight into the effects of the war on the 1 to 3 million Americans who served
World Economic Outlook (April 2024) - GDP based on PPP, share of world
Bad decision, badly executed: America’s war of choice in Iraq | The Strategist
A Look Back at How Fear and False Beliefs Bolstered U.S. Public Support for War in Iraq
Still at War: The United States in Iraq
US & Allied Killed | Costs of War
In teaching about the post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, teachers have to decide if they are going to tell students that the number of deaths by suicide among US service members afterward is four times greater than the deaths in the operations themselves
Remarks to the United Nations Security Council
Text of Colin Powell's speech to UN on Feb 5 2003
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction
Dozens of primary source documents relating to Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction from the National Security Archive at George Washington University
Sept 11, 2001 at the Magic Kingdom
Students seldom think of all of the implications of the 9/11 attacks, and how they were documented. This private video shows how the park was closed during the morning of 9/11
Voting Irregularities in Florida During the 2000 Presidential Election Chapter 9: Findings and Recommendations
Detailed report of the US Commission on Civil Rights of the undercount of vote in Florida during the 2000 president election
50 Years of Electoral College Maps: How the U.S. Turned Red and Blue (Published 2016)
Everything You Wanted to Know About Y2K but Were Afraid to Ask - YouTube
Very informative and effective delivery of explanation of concerns about y2K from a curator of the Henry Ford museum- better than any teacher can do. Balanced approach, acknowledging the overhype as well as the efforts to alleviate the problem
Processed World - Underground Newspaper San Francisco in the 1980s
Processed World was an anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian magazine focused on the oppressions and absurdities of office work, which, at the time the magazine began, was becoming automated in San Francisco in the early 1980s. This primary document won't be found in any history education source, yet it is still history
(1) The Keeling Curve Hits 420 PPM - YouTube
One minute video should be included in any global warming history lesson. It explains how Charles Keeling started measuring carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 1958 - and where those measurements have gone in the last half-century
Gallery of New Release's - It's Our Story
Teachers developing lessons on the Americans with Disabilities Act can find primary source documents hear, testimony of disabled people explaining their day to day lives
The Cigarette Papers
Book with sources detailing an industry that a federal judge ruled in 2005 was "guilty of fraud" yet does not appear in the taught narrative canon - anywhere. Teachers should pull material from this book rather than have next year's students read "The Jungle" just like last year's students
Science and Environmental Policy Project
One of Frederick Seitz's climate science denial projects useful for information literacy lessons or a climate change DBQ
Source Notes- The Parrot and the Igloo Notes
The source notes for this book that traces the history of climate science provides a treasure trove of primary source documents for a climate change DBQ
Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush - The New York Times
Donald Trump Inaugural Address – The White House
Animated Chart of the Day: Recorded Music Sales by Format Share, 1973 to 2022 | American Enterprise Institute - AEI
Excellent graphic showing the rise an fall of 8-Track, Vinyl, Casetts, CD, Download and streaming formats of recorded music
New York - World Trade Center 1999 - YouTube
Clicking through this video and showing brief 30-second segments can give students a sense of scale that the 9/11 videos seldom provide. This has a place in 9/11 lessons