4th Grade Social Studies

4th Grade Social Studies

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Primary vs. Secondary Sources - YouTube
Primary vs. Secondary Sources - YouTube
4 minute video that explains the difference between primary and secondary sources with many examples. Appropriate for 4th grade through 7th grade
Primary vs. Secondary Sources - YouTube
2 Wheels 1 Compass - YouTube
2 Wheels 1 Compass - YouTube
Teachers need to scroll through these excellent videos to find intersections with regional lessons. These "infotainment" videos combine information with great photography from the seat of a motorcycle
2 Wheels 1 Compass - YouTube
Map | Asia Society
Map | Asia Society
Series of maps that can be used to create a lesson that analyzes demographics. Look for "foreign-born" population and "languages spoken at home". Map is interactive allowing students to click on states and see differences on the county level
Map | Asia Society
Longitude and Latitude from Close Encounters - YouTube
Longitude and Latitude from Close Encounters - YouTube
4 minute clip from Close Encounters - What would happen if aliens were beaming two set of three numbers to earth in the form of music - could we figure out what they mean?
Longitude and Latitude from Close Encounters - YouTube
Diversity: Languages Spoken in the United States
Diversity: Languages Spoken in the United States
Students predict the languages spoke in different states than use specific information to check to see if their predictions are correct. This lesson assumptions the fragility of assumptions in face of fact and affirms the certitude of data
Diversity: Languages Spoken in the United States