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Flowcharts about resource, commodity, and byproduct flows in a graphical form.
Flowcharts about resource, commodity, and byproduct flows in a graphical form.
The most widely recognized of these charts is the U.S. energy flow chart. LLNL has also published charts depicting carbon (or carbon dioxide potential) flow and water flow at the national level as well as energy, carbon, and water flows at the international, state, municipal, and organizational (e.g., Air Force) level.
Flowcharts about resource, commodity, and byproduct flows in a graphical form.
Energy Infrastructure and Resources Maps
Energy Infrastructure and Resources Maps
Using data, explore geographic information about both renewable and nonrenewable energy resources in the U.S.
Energy Infrastructure and Resources Maps
Hydraulic Fracturing - High-Adventure Science Interactive
Hydraulic Fracturing - High-Adventure Science Interactive
Drill wells in search of natural gas. Drill through the aquifer (represented by the blue layer) until you find the shale layer (a pale brown layer). Can you be sure you located a large amount of trapped methane? Were you able to drill without contaminating the aquifer? If not, where did the contaminants come from?
Hydraulic Fracturing - High-Adventure Science Interactive