Water Use and Stress
Water Use and Stress

Have questions or teaching about Water Access, Resources & Sanitation? All the info & interactive maps you could ever want and more. Easy to search infographics that reveal human impacts on the water cycle.

Water Use and Stress
Water footprint Calculators
Water footprint Calculators
The Water Footprint Assessment Tool is a free online web application that provides clear insight into how water is appropriated for human uses and the impacts resulting from those uses.
Water footprint Calculators
Google Earth Timelapse
Google Earth Timelapse

Have humans changed the Earth? Timelapse any place on Earth! Show Glaciers, lakes lowering, population growth Including your own hometown! @googleearth

Google Earth Timelapse
World Population History
World Population History

Need a way to show students how population growth has occurred? This interactive map shows the changes in population alongside while providing context of important milestones of human impacts along the way.

World Population History
Light pollution map
Light pollution map
Interactive world light pollution map. The map uses NASA VIIRS, World Atlas 2015, Aurora prediction, observatories, clouds and SQM/SQC overlay contributed by users.
Light pollution map
Factors that Affect Air Quality - High-Adventure Science Interactive
Factors that Affect Air Quality - High-Adventure Science Interactive
How do wind, rain and solar radiation affect air quality? How might some methods of reducing emissions affect air quality? Click the play button to start the model, adjust the sliders to create different conditions and look at how each variable changes the air quality index over time.
Factors that Affect Air Quality - High-Adventure Science Interactive
Movement of Pollutants - High-Adventure Science Interactive
Movement of Pollutants - High-Adventure Science Interactive
Can you place power plants so all three cities have good air quality at the same time when the wind is blowing from any direction? Investigate how mountains and wind direction affect air quality.
Movement of Pollutants - High-Adventure Science Interactive
Our World in Data
Our World in Data
Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems
Our World in Data