Exercise #75. FOCUS: thought chunking. New York Times in 10 min

Under 15 min
What is Integrity? Connection? Vulnerability? Perfectionism? Look at these definitions and practice clarity | Native-Like Fluency. The Community of Practice
One of the reasons I like Brené Brown's work is that she actually tries to give meaning to the language. She explains things to herself, even the seemingly obvious ones. There is not a single cliché in her books, even though she writes about the experi...
NEW episode on BREVITY. What is it and how to practice it | Native-Like Fluency. The Community of Practice
Like, share, and let's discuss this. The Community is the only place on the Internet where I answer questions and reply to comments on my podcast episodes. The link that I mentioned in the episode (use it to do the exercise): ********* I t...
How to practice Brevity. | Native-Like Fluency. The Community of Practice
I will be releasing a new episode on Brevity very soon. Today, I'd like to show you what content I work with to practice the skill and what I pay attention to. Rule #1Practice being attentive to good examples. Consider this blog post Every line is ...
What is authenticity? FOCUS: Brevity. Putting a lot of meaning into very few words
Exercise #68. FOCUS: Brevity. Summarize the unobvious