Health Insurance

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Angioplasty Cost
Angioplasty Cost
Angioplasty is a crucial procedure for treating blocked arteries, and understanding angioplasty cost can help you plan for this life-saving treatment. Costs may vary based on hospital type, doctor expertise, and additional treatments required. Research and compare prices to ensure the best care within your budget and consider health insurance options that may cover or reduce these expenses.
Angioplasty Cost
Anjeer Ke Fayde
Anjeer Ke Fayde
अंजीर एक पौष्टिक फल है जो कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ प्रदान करता है। अंजीर के फायदे ( anjeer ke fayde) में पाचन में सुधार, हड्डियों को मजबूत करना, रक्तचाप नियंत्रित रखना और हृदय स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ावा देना शामिल है। इसमें फाइबर, विटामिन और खनिज भरपूर मात्रा में होते हैं जो संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभकारी हैं। रोजाना अंजीर का सेवन आपके शरीर को ऊर्जा और तंदुरुस्ती प्रदान कर सकता है।
Anjeer Ke Fayde
Kidney Diagnostic Tests
Kidney Diagnostic Tests

Kidney diagnostic tests are essential for detecting and monitoring kidney health. Common tests include blood tests (e.g., serum creatinine, glomerular filtration rate), urine tests (e.g., urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio), and imaging tests (e.g., ultrasound, CT scan). These help identify kidney disease, assess function, and guide treatment decisions to prevent complications.

Kidney Diagnostic Tests
Maternity Health insurance
Maternity Health insurance

Niva Bupa's maternity health insurance provides comprehensive coverage for maternity-related expenses, including prenatal and postnatal care, delivery costs, and newborn care. With benefits like cashless hospitalizations and coverage for pregnancy complications, this plan ensures financial security and peace of mind for expecting mothers and their families.

Maternity Health insurance
Best Naat
Best Naat
A Male Hormone Panel Blood Test provides essential insights into a man’s hormonal health by measuring key hormones like testosterone, LH, and FSH. This test helps detect imbalances that could cause issues such as low libido, fatigue, or mood swings. Much like the best naat inspires devotion, the test offers a clearer understanding of underlying health conditions, guiding appropriate treatments.
Best Naat
Diagnostic Mammogram and Ultrasound
Diagnostic Mammogram and Ultrasound
A diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound are key tests to evaluate breast changes. The mammogram involves compressing the breast while X-rays are taken, and the ultrasound uses sound waves to produce detailed images. These tests help detect issues like lumps or irregularities and guide further diagnosis or treatment. The process is generally quick and well-tolerated.
Diagnostic Mammogram and Ultrasound
What is a Full Panel Blood Test
What is a Full Panel Blood Test
A full panel blood test is a comprehensive medical examination that analyzes various components of your blood. It helps doctors assess your overall health and diagnose potential issues by measuring levels of glucose, cholesterol, red and white blood cells, and other important markers. What is a full panel blood test It provides a broad view of your body’s function and can detect conditions like diabetes, anemia, and infections.
What is a Full Panel Blood Test
Jukam in Hindi
Jukam in Hindi
जुकाम इन हिंदी का मतलब है सामान्य सर्दी, जो एक वायरल संक्रमण के कारण होता है और नाक, गले और श्वसन तंत्र को प्रभावित करता है। इसके लक्षणों में नाक बहना, गले में खराश, छींकना, सिरदर्द और हल्का बुखार शामिल हो सकते हैं। जुकाम इन हिंदी (jukam in hindi) में उपचार के लिए अदरक, शहद, तुलसी, काली मिर्च जैसी घरेलू उपाय उपयोगी होते हैं। अधिकतर मामलों में यह संक्रमण कुछ दिनों में खुद ही ठीक हो जाता है।
Jukam in Hindi
Health Insurance for 70 Years and Above
Health Insurance for 70 Years and Above
Health insurance for 70 years and above provides essential coverage tailored to the needs of senior citizens, offering protection against high medical costs associated with age-related health issues. These policies typically cover hospitalization, critical illness, and in some cases, home care and post-hospitalization expenses, ensuring financial peace of mind for older adults and their families.
Health Insurance for 70 Years and Above
Surrogate Cost
Surrogate Cost
A surrogate cost represents an estimated or substitute cost used when actual costs are unavailable, uncertain, or difficult to determine. This approach helps in decision-making and budgeting by providing a reliable approximation, allowing businesses or analysts to assess financial impacts, compare alternatives, or predict expenses effectively when real data is incomplete or unavailable.
Surrogate Cost
Thairaid Bimari in Hindi
Thairaid Bimari in Hindi

थायरॉइड बीमारी इन हिंदी (thairaid bimari in hindi) शरीर में थायरॉइड ग्रंथि की असामान्य गतिविधियों से उत्पन्न होती है। यह ग्रंथि हार्मोन का उत्पादन करती है जो शरीर की ऊर्जा, मेटाबॉलिज्म और तापमान को नियंत्रित करती है। थायरॉइड बीमारी में हाइपोथायरॉइडिज्म (थायरॉइड हार्मोन की कमी) और हाइपरथायरॉइडिज्म (थायरॉइड हार्मोन की अधिकता) शामिल हैं। इसके लक्षणों में थकान, वजन में बदलाव, और दिल की धड़कन में परिवर्तन हो सकते हैं।

Thairaid Bimari in Hindi
What is IVF
What is IVF

What is IVF? IVF (In vitro fertilization) is a fertility treatment where an egg and sperm are combined outside the body in a lab. The fertilized egg, or embryo, is then transferred to the woman's uterus to establish a pregnancy. IVF is commonly used for couples facing infertility issues like blocked fallopian tubes, male infertility, or unexplained infertility.

What is IVF
Heart with ECG
Heart with ECG

Heart with ECG plays a crucial role in diagnosing cardiovascular health. An ECG (Electrocardiogram) records the heart's electrical activity, allowing doctors to detect abnormalities like arrhythmias, heart attacks, or other heart-related conditions. By analyzing the heart's electrical impulses, the ECG helps ensure timely and accurate treatment for heart health concerns.

Heart with ECG
Molecule Delhi
Molecule Delhi
Molecule Delhi is at the forefront of molecular testing, utilizing cutting-edge technology to enhance diagnostics and treatment. Molecule Delhi offers advanced applications in fields like genetics, oncology, and infectious diseases, enabling precise, rapid, and reliable testing solutions that aid in early diagnosis, personalized medicine, and improved patient care.
Molecule Delhi
Wellness Diagnosis
Wellness Diagnosis

A wellness diagnosis assesses an individual's overall health, focusing on physical, mental, and lifestyle factors to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Unlike traditional diagnostics, a wellness diagnosis emphasizes preventive care, helping individuals adopt healthier habits and proactive approaches to maintain long-term well-being.

Wellness Diagnosis
Best Medical Insurance Policy For Family
Best Medical Insurance Policy For Family

Niva Bupa’s best medical insurance policy for family offers extensive health coverage, including cashless hospitalization, maternity benefits, and critical illness cover. Designed for family protection, it covers pre- and post-hospitalization expenses and provides annual health check-ups, ensuring comprehensive care and peace of mind for your loved ones.

Best Medical Insurance Policy For Family
Medical Insurance for Senior Citizens in India
Medical Insurance for Senior Citizens in India
Medical insurance for senior citizens in India provides essential health coverage, addressing age-related medical needs with benefits like hospitalization, critical illness, and cashless treatment options. Tailored for those over 60, these policies offer financial security, helping seniors manage healthcare costs and maintain quality of life.
Medical Insurance for Senior Citizens in India
Surrogate Mother Cost
Surrogate Mother Cost
The surrogate mother cost varies widely, depending on location, legal fees, medical expenses, and agency services. In many regions, costs can range from $50,000 to over $100,000, covering compensation for the surrogate, health screenings, and support. This significant investment helps intended parents fulfill their dreams of building a family.
Surrogate Mother Cost
Medical Inflation in India
Medical Inflation in India
Medical inflation in India refers to the rising costs of healthcare services, medications, and treatments, often outpacing general inflation. This trend impacts affordability and access to quality healthcare for many. Key factors include increased demand, advanced medical technologies, and higher operational costs in the healthcare sector.
Medical Inflation in India
IVF Surrogacy
IVF Surrogacy
IVF surrogacy is a reproductive option where an embryo created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) is implanted in a surrogate, who carries the pregnancy for the intended parents. IVF surrogacy is often chosen when individuals or couples face medical challenges, offering a path to parenthood with the surrogate’s help.
IVF Surrogacy
Sardi in Hindi
Sardi in Hindi
सर्दी एक सामान्य मौसमी बीमारी है, जो ठंडी हवाओं और मौसम परिवर्तन के कारण होती है। यह नाक बहना, गले में खराश, और हल्का बुखार जैसे लक्षण उत्पन्न कर सकती है। सर्दी इन हिंदी (sardi in hindi) में समझने के लिए यह जरूरी है कि हम इससे बचाव के उपायों, जैसे गर्म पानी पीना और ठंड से बचाव करना, के बारे में जानें, ताकि जल्दी ठीक हो सकें।
Sardi in Hindi
Stomach Infection Medicine
Stomach Infection Medicine
Stomach infection medicine helps relieve symptoms of bacterial or viral stomach infections, such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and bloating. These medications often include antibiotics for bacterial infections or anti-nausea agents for symptom relief. Stomach infection medicine works to restore balance in the digestive system, aiding recovery and reducing discomfort. Always consult a healthcare professional for appropriate prescriptions and dosages based on the infection type.
Stomach Infection Medicine
NCB Full Form in Insurance
NCB Full Form in Insurance
NCB full form in insurance stands for No Claim Bonus. It is a reward offered by insurers to policyholders who don't file any claims during the policy year. NCB can result in discounts on the premium for the next renewal, encouraging safe and claim-free behavior. It is typically applicable to motor insurance and health policies, promoting responsible policyholder practices.
NCB Full Form in Insurance
80D Preventive Health Checkup
80D Preventive Health Checkup

An 80D preventive health checkup refers to a health assessment done to detect potential health risks early. Under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, individuals can claim tax deductions for medical checkups for themselves or their family. Regular checkups help in identifying issues before they become serious, promoting overall well-being, and ensuring timely interventions.

80D Preventive Health Checkup
Jukam Ka Desi Ilaj
Jukam Ka Desi Ilaj
जुकाम का देसी इलाज ( jukam ka desi ilaj )घरेलू उपायों से किया जा सकता है, जो बिना किसी साइड इफेक्ट के राहत देते हैं। अदरक और शहद का मिश्रण, हल्दी वाला दूध, तुलसी की चाय और भाप लेना कुछ प्रभावी उपचार हैं। गर्म पानी से गरारे और काढ़ा पीने से भी सर्दी के लक्षण कम हो सकते हैं। ये उपाय इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाते हैं और सर्दी-खांसी जैसी समस्याओं से जल्दी राहत दिलाते हैं।
Jukam Ka Desi Ilaj
Blood Infection Kaise Hota Hai
Blood Infection Kaise Hota Hai
ब्लड इन्फेक्शन कैसे होता है (blood infection kaise hota hai) यह एक आम सवाल है जिसका जवाब रक्त में बैक्टीरिया, वायरस या फंगस के प्रवेश से जुड़ा है। आमतौर पर यह संक्रमण शरीर में घाव, सर्जरी, या कमजोर इम्यून सिस्टम के कारण होता है। संक्रमण के लक्षणों में तेज बुखार, कमजोरी, सांस की तकलीफ और भ्रम शामिल हैं। समय पर इलाज न होने पर यह सेप्सिस में बदल सकता है, जो जीवन के लिए खतरनाक हो सकता है।
Blood Infection Kaise Hota Hai
Medical Inflation in India
Medical Inflation in India

Medical inflation in India is rising due to increasing healthcare costs, advanced medical technologies, and rising demand for quality treatment. Factors like higher drug prices, hospital charges, and insurance premiums contribute to the financial burden, making healthcare less affordable for many.

Medical Inflation in India
Surrogacy Cost in India
Surrogacy Cost in India
The surrogacy cost in India varies widely based on factors like medical procedures, legal fees, and surrogate compensation. Typically, it ranges from $18,000 to $30,000, making it more affordable than in many other countries. Costs include IVF, prenatal care, and hospital expenses. However, recent regulations in India limit surrogacy access, so it’s essential to understand the legal guidelines.
Surrogacy Cost in India
Cost of Child Adoption in India
Cost of Child Adoption in India
The cost of child adoption in India varies based on the adoption process and agency, typically ranging from ₹40,000 to ₹50,000 through licensed adoption agencies. This includes application, legal, and agency fees. Adopting through CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority) is regulated to ensure ethical practices, making adoption affordable and transparent for Indian families.
Cost of Child Adoption in India
Health Insurance for Senior Citizens Above 70 Years in India
Health Insurance for Senior Citizens Above 70 Years in India
Health insurance for senior citizens above 70 years in India provides crucial financial support for medical expenses, covering hospitalization, critical illness, and pre-existing conditions. Tailored plans offer higher coverage limits, cashless treatment options, and minimal waiting periods, ensuring that seniors can access quality healthcare without financial strain in their later years.
Health Insurance for Senior Citizens Above 70 Years in India