Digital Gems

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How Many Is a Trillion?
How Many Is a Trillion?
We hear about trillions all the time now, but the number is beyond human comprehension.
How Many Is a Trillion?
Colorado truly loves its Subarus, but when can the dog hang out the window of an electric version?
Colorado truly loves its Subarus, but when can the dog hang out the window of an electric version?
It’s no Rocky Mountain myth: We love our Subarus.  Colorado buys more than twice as many of the four-wheel-drive, Fido-friendly gear wagons as people in other states, according to the latest quarterly registration numbers for state vehicle sales.  And we are moving fast toward electric vehicles, if you judge by percentage growth in the raw […]
Colorado truly loves its Subarus, but when can the dog hang out the window of an electric version?
Dr. Laura Lewis - Identifying Intersecting Network Dynamics Underlying Sleep and Mood in Depression - One Mind
Dr. Laura Lewis - Identifying Intersecting Network Dynamics Underlying Sleep and Mood in Depression - One Mind
Laura Lewis, PhD Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University 2019 One Mind Bettina Bryant Rising Star Depression Research Award   Alterations in sleep are a common feature in depression. 75% of individuals with depression have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep during the night. The insomnia that sometimes accompanies depression can have a spiraling […]
Dr. Laura Lewis - Identifying Intersecting Network Dynamics Underlying Sleep and Mood in Depression - One Mind