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Design principles of sensory receptors
Design principles of sensory receptors

Design principles of sensory receptors

According to the activating stimulus sensory receptors can be classified into electromagnetic receptors (photoreceptor, thermoreceptor), mechanoreceptors (hearing, touch, balance, osmoreceptor), and chemoreceptors (odorant receptor, gustatory receptor).

Design principles of sensory receptors
Pathological demand avoidance in children and adolescents: A systematic review - Arvid N Kildahl, Sissel B Helverschou, Anne L Rysstad, Elisabeth Wigaard, Jane MA Hellerud, Linn B Ludvigsen, Patricia Howlin, 2021
Pathological demand avoidance in children and adolescents: A systematic review - Arvid N Kildahl, Sissel B Helverschou, Anne L Rysstad, Elisabeth Wigaard, Jane MA Hellerud, Linn B Ludvigsen, Patricia Howlin, 2021
Pathological demand avoidance in children and adolescents: A systematic review
Pathological demand avoidance in children and adolescents: A systematic review - Arvid N Kildahl, Sissel B Helverschou, Anne L Rysstad, Elisabeth Wigaard, Jane MA Hellerud, Linn B Ludvigsen, Patricia Howlin, 2021
Midbrain Dopamine Controls Anxiety-like Behavior by Engaging Unique Interpeduncular Nucleus Microcircuitry
Midbrain Dopamine Controls Anxiety-like Behavior by Engaging Unique Interpeduncular Nucleus Microcircuitry

Dopamine (DA) is hypothesized to modulate anxiety-like behavior, although the precise role of DA in anxiety behaviors and the complete anxiety network in the brain have yet to be elucidated. Recent data indicate that dopaminergic projections from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) innervate the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN), but how the IPN responds to DA and what role this circuit plays in anxiety-like behavior are

Midbrain Dopamine Controls Anxiety-like Behavior by Engaging Unique Interpeduncular Nucleus Microcircuitry
Dopamine modulates individual differences in avoidance behavior: A pharmacological, immunohistochemical, neurochemical and volumetric investigation
Dopamine modulates individual differences in avoidance behavior: A pharmacological, immunohistochemical, neurochemical and volumetric investigation

Conclusion The results of our study provide a better understanding of the role of the dopaminergic system in the execution of avoidance behavior. Specifically, good performers have DA patterns in the amygdala, SN, VTA and LC that are intrinsically different from those of poor performers, and it could be possible to convert animals from good to poor performers through manipulation of D1 and D2 receptors. In the future, we expect that our results will provide insights into the treatment of psychiatric disorders.

Dopamine modulates individual differences in avoidance behavior: A pharmacological, immunohistochemical, neurochemical and volumetric investigation