Twice As Many Small Towns Have Eliminated Parking Mandates As Large Cities | Sightline Institute
Find audio versions of Sightline articles on any of your favorite podcast platforms, including Spotify, YouTube, and Apple. Earlier this spring, when Port Townsend, Washington, eliminated parking mandates—predetermined numbers of parking spaces required by law for new buildings—the news took the internet by surprise. Not many people expected the first Washington city to make off-street ... Read more
We help you understand what’s changed in the Highway Code recently, what you should be doing as a driver, and what you should do if something goes wrong.
Four Ways Automotive Regulators Could Save Pedestrian Lives
America’s top regulatory agency is failing its mandate to “keep people safe on America’s roadways” — and to truly accomplish it, they need to fundamentally change the way they operate.…
Without New Regulations, Self-Driving Cars Could Make Our Transportation System Even Worse
Op-ed: In the decade or so before driverless cars roll out en masse, lawmakers must take the time to develop regulations that maximize their benefits and minimize their harms.
Florida Republicans Are Fighting Gainesville’s Zoning Reform, and Themselves
The state government is pushing back against a local effort to allow denser housing in single-family neighborhoods, setting the stage for a legal battle.
Paved With Good Intentions: We Still Can't Kick the Car Habit - Metropolis
Despite its environmental achievements, the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act substitutes electric vehicles for a more holistic, climate-friendly approach to urban planning and design.
Bill seeking parking space requirement for vehicles filed
Vehicle owners without parking spaces are about to have another problem amid skyrocketing fuel prices, and intense traffic in urban areas. Here are the areas where the requirement may become mandatory.
‘It’s so blatant’: Transit groups bemoan Dems’ car-centric climate deal
The proposal offers at most a few billion in funding for alternatives that could yield a future without cars, such as mass transit, biking, walking and trains.
For Vibrant US Cities, Invest in Multi-modal Transportation |
A new paper from America Is All In shows how communities can benefit from the low-carbon multi-modal approach. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, offers U.S. states and cities the chance to invest in transportation systems that modernize infrastructure, expand access and mobility for all people in a…
Legislating at the Intersection of Transportation and Housing Policy
A.B. 2097 and A.B. 1778 illustrate that a powerful approach to addressing the overlapping problems of affordable housing and sustainable transportation can be to solve both at once.
What Are the Emissions and Climate Implications of Land-Use Regulations?
Greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation and building sectors have increased as a share of overall climate-related pollution since the 1990s, but policymakers can make it easier and more affordable to cut these emissions through land-use regulations.
Why We Need Embodied Carbon Benchmarks and Targets in Building Standards and Policies: An Open Letter
To Canadian Municipalities and Associations of Architects, Engineers, and Planners: Canada, as well as a growing number of its jurisdictions, has set necessarily ambitious carbon reduction targets as part of an increasingly urgent global bid to achieve climate stability. While the spotlight often falls on the transportation and energy production sectors, 40 percent of global …
How to Solve the Transit Budget Crunch: Price the Private Use of Public Streets | SPUR
COVID-19 has been catastrophic for public transit. Plunging fare and tax revenues are forcing drastic cuts. In a guest post for SPUR, two UC Davis law professors suggest that there’s a solution right under our feet: Make private drivers pay market rates to park on the public’s roads. And yes, they argue, it’s legal.