

#Parking-Minimums #Shoup #shoup
End Central Planning for Parking - Marginal REVOLUTION
End Central Planning for Parking - Marginal REVOLUTION
Donald Shoup’s Letter in support of California’s AB 1401 which deregulates parking is a marvel; funny, incisive, economically informed. Brilliant. California has been waiting for AB 1401 for a long time. In 2005, the American Planning Association published The High Cost of Free Parking, an 800-page book in which I argued that minimum parking requirements […]
End Central Planning for Parking - Marginal REVOLUTION
Converting Garages for Cars into Housing for People
Converting Garages for Cars into Housing for People
The United States has a large supply of residential garages that could be converted into affordable apartments. Unfortunately, off-street parking requirements prohibit converting most of these garages for cars into housing for people. Converted garages in single-family neighborhoods are variously called second units, accessory dwelling units, garage apartments, granny flats, and backyard cottages. To convert a garage into an apartment, off-street parking requirements typically force a homeowner to replace the two garage parking spaces with two new parking spaces, plus an additional off-stre...
Converting Garages for Cars into Housing for People