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Addressing the “minimum parking” problem for on-demand mobility
Addressing the “minimum parking” problem for on-demand mobility
Parking infrastructure is pervasive and occupies large swaths of land in cities. However, on-demand (OD) mobility has started reducing parking needs in urban areas around the world. This trend is expected to grow significantly with the advent of autonomous driving, which might render on-demand mobility predominant. Recent studies have started looking at expected parking reductions with on-demand mobility, but a systematic framework is still lacking. In this paper, we apply a data-driven methodology based on shareability networks to address what we call the “minimum parking” problem: what is...
Addressing the “minimum parking” problem for on-demand mobility
Will automated vehicles cut parking revenue? Not overnight, but cities should plan ahead
Will automated vehicles cut parking revenue? Not overnight, but cities should plan ahead
Researchers used Seattle as a case study to find the association between TNC trips and on-street parking occupancy. They found that up to a certain point, more Uber trips meant more parking occupancy. But model predictions show that once TNC trips reach about three times what they were in 2016, parking revenues will likely decline. The final report offers policy options to help cities plan accordingly.
Will automated vehicles cut parking revenue? Not overnight, but cities should plan ahead
Cities Can Prepare for Autonomous Vehicles Now
Cities Can Prepare for Autonomous Vehicles Now
Waiting for car manufacturers and ride-hail operators to decide the future of urban AV deployment will not create the cities that urban planners hope for, and often work very hard to make happen. While significant penetration of AVs — private or shared — is likely a decade or two away, deferring directional, optimization, and livability strategies will rob cities of flexibility, influence, and degrees of freedom within a decade. If you believe AVs are coming eventually, the time to start getting ready is now, even if you believe human drivers will remain dominant for many decades. The steps...
Cities Can Prepare for Autonomous Vehicles Now
Daimler and Bosch’s driverless parking gets OK to operate without human supervision
Daimler and Bosch’s driverless parking gets OK to operate without human supervision
We’ve reached a new milestone in the long road to getting AI-based self-driving systems to be truly autonomous. Daimler and Bosch have now received approval from German regulators to run their automated driverless parking function without a human safety driver behind the wheel — making this the world’s first fully automated driverless SAE Level 4 parking […]
Daimler and Bosch’s driverless parking gets OK to operate without human supervision