Curb Enthusiasm: New Attitudes Emerge Around Urban Spaces
Cities like Los Angeles worked fast during the COVID-19 pandemic to radically change the way we think about sidewalks, curbs and parking areas. Many of the changes government and businesses made are here to stay.
Streets of the post-pandemic future: Retrofitting city streets for 21st century needs
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, streets have become an integral part of our public health infrastructure—they’re spaces to walk, exercise, play...
City dwellers gained more access to public spaces during the pandemic – can they keep it?
COVID-19 has underscored the value of parks and public spaces. A new survey shows that U.S. mayors have gotten the message, but post-pandemic plans for public spaces remain largely undefined.
Few mayors expect to keep COVID-inspired changes to public spaces, survey finds
The Menino Survey of Mayors found that although leaders predict residents will spend more time outside, only 6% of mayors plan to keep recent changes to those spaces like closed roads and new bike lanes.
Nonprofit Aims To Boost Denver’s Revenue By Tackling Declining Parking Numbers – CBS Denver
The City and County of Denver saw a 37% drop in revenue from parking between 2020 and 2019 with the pandemic keeping more people at home and reducing their need to drive.
Transportation For America COVID-19 threw a curveball at curb management. Here’s how cities adapted. - Transportation For America
Transportation for America’s 2020 cohort of the Smart Cities Collaborative was always meant to focus on curbside management. But then came COVID-19, radically shifting all aspects of our lives—including how we use curbs. Our new report, COVID and the Curb, explores how cities adapted their curb management strategies to support public health and small businesses, and ideas for better curb policy at the local, state, and federal levels.
Seattle Extends Cafe Streets Program through October 2021
After a long delay to start the program, the City of Seattle announced an even longer extension for restaurants and businesses to continue using public spaces for outdoor dining and retail. Seattle…
Portland's new business program will permit in-street commerce
“Plans… are in full swing. We are designing a permit process that will allow not just restaurants but bars, retail, and personal service businesses to access the right-of-way.”— Margaux Weeke, Commissioner Chloe Eudaly’s office The food scene in Portland needs no introduction, but it does need more space. For restaurant, coffee shop and food cart Read More »
The ‘Al Fresco Economy’: Restaurants Want to Start NYC’s Revival — All They Need is Space
“This could be the best block party in the history of New York, but if we don’t get this right in the next three months, there will be a complete collapse of the tax base of the city,&#…
Deliveries need to be factored into social distancing street
The needs of the logistics sector have been ignored by the Government in its guidance for managing urban streets during the coronavirus lockdown, says the Freig
Curbside management in a recurring emergency scenario: A municipal perspective
This post is part of a special series on curb management and COVID-19. A joint effort of IPMI, Transportation for America, and ITE’s Complete Streets Council, this series strives to document the immediate curbside-related actions and responses to COVID-19, as well as create a knowledge base of strategies that communities can use to manage the curbside during future emergencies.
Performance-based parking goes both ways, let your city’s first adjustment be a rate decrease. Demand for central city parking is, most likely, at all-time lows in many cities due to COVID-19 conce…
Curb Management Strategies During COVID-19 - Walker Consultants
COVID-19 has forced cities across the nation to quickly respond to the changing needs of the curb. Most communities have ordered the closure of non-essential businesses and anywhere people may gather: gyms, theaters, and restaurant dining rooms. Despite these closures, restaurants are offering tak…