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Amsterdam parking spot goes on the market for €495,000
Amsterdam parking spot goes on the market for €495,000
Parking space seems to be just as scarce and in high demand as affordable housing in Amsterdam. A garage parking spot in the Dutch capital was listed for sale on real estate platform Funda for a staggering 495,000 euros. It can also be rented for 750 euros per month, instead.
Amsterdam parking spot goes on the market for €495,000
Tempe slashes parking for downtown hi-rises
Tempe slashes parking for downtown hi-rises
Tempe might not be trying to put the genie back in the bottle over reduced parking minimums at new downtown high-rise residences in its dense urban core, but it wasn’t quite ready to go to the extreme the developer of a project at College Avenue and Seventh Street had sought, either.
Tempe slashes parking for downtown hi-rises
Adjacent municipalities can agree to pave paradise, put up a parking lot. But what are the spaces worth? - American Dirt.
Adjacent municipalities can agree to pave paradise, put up a parking lot. But what are the spaces worth? - American Dirt.
Municipal governance offers the closest most constituents will ever get to direct democracy. Yet it amazingly falls short of achieving what I believe most people would agree is its full potential: to offer a precise reflection of the regulatory environment that constituents seek from the government, and the public services that this government delivers within
Adjacent municipalities can agree to pave paradise, put up a parking lot. But what are the spaces worth? - American Dirt.