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Edmonton got rid of parking minimums 2 years ago. What has happened since then?
Edmonton got rid of parking minimums 2 years ago. What has happened since then?
In June of 2020, Edmonton became the first major Canadian city to remove minimum parking requirements. The change meant that instead of developers and businesses having to provide a specific number of parking spaces, they could decide how much to offer. (Accessible spots for people with disabilities continue to be required). Ashley Salvador, who is now a city councillor but was working as an urban planner at the time, advocated for the change and now considers it a success. "A fear that we heard
Edmonton got rid of parking minimums 2 years ago. What has happened since then?
No handicapped parking outside houses in La Crosse, an unwritten rule
No handicapped parking outside houses in La Crosse, an unwritten rule
They say no to everybody.  That’s the answer a La Crosse woman got from City Hall when she asked to have a special handicapped parking space reserved outside her house, and was turned down.  Eileen Kennedy tells the La Crosse board of public works this week that she would like a handicapped space designated outside […]
No handicapped parking outside houses in La Crosse, an unwritten rule
I-Team discovers Metro employees parking for free with invalid disabled parking placards
I-Team discovers Metro employees parking for free with invalid disabled parking placards
Would;t it be nice to park your car for free? That's something many of us think of when we roll up to a parking meter in the DMV. Well, some Metro employees in Montgomery County have figured out a way to get free parking, and they're using invalid disabled parking placards to do it. That's what the 7News I-Team uncovered after a two-month investigation looking at Metro workers who park outside a bus garage in Bethesda, Maryland. WMATA bus garage.
I-Team discovers Metro employees parking for free with invalid disabled parking placards
De Blasio's war on NYC parking placard abuse has stalled
De Blasio's war on NYC parking placard abuse has stalled
The city has barely made any headway on changes intended to combat rampant parking placard abuse that Mayor Bill de Blasio promised nearly two years ago, officials have admitted. Digital stickers — pitched in February 2019 as a cure to prevent holders from switching placards from vehicle to vehicle — have reached only a tiny […]
De Blasio's war on NYC parking placard abuse has stalled