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Does more parking bring more business?
Does more parking bring more business?
We spent the time gathering parking data across Montreal -- both on-street and off-street -- and compared it with the vacancy rates on the city’s commercial arteries.
Does more parking bring more business?
Houston's expansion of market-based parking is a step toward a more walkable city
Houston's expansion of market-based parking is a step toward a more walkable city
Houston is probably not destined to be among the world’s most walkable cities. Between the mind-melting heat, the ankle-breaking sidewalks, the criss-crossing freeways and the seemingly endless sprawl, getting around by foot isn’t easy to do. Still, there’s no reason to succumb to nihilism. So I welcomed the Houston City Council’s vote last week expanding the city’s “market-based parking area” to cover parts of Midtown, Montrose and East Downtown, as well as downtown’s Central Business District. It’s a relatively modest reform, to be clear. The change will exempt some new developments in th...
Houston's expansion of market-based parking is a step toward a more walkable city