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Living on Earth: Parking Reform and Climate Change
Living on Earth: Parking Reform and Climate Change
Suburban sprawl adds to climate disruption by promoting driving and to accommodate commuters, some 30 percent of urban land is already devoted to parking. Even more spaces are often required when buildings are constructed or renovated. Now some cities and states, including California, are steering away from parking space mandates. Gernot Wagner, a climate economist at Columbia Business School, joins Host Steve Curwood to discuss what parking reform may look like for cities.
Living on Earth: Parking Reform and Climate Change
Oak Park takes a crack at fixing village parking - Oak Park
Oak Park takes a crack at fixing village parking - Oak Park
Several games exist in today’s toy market that promise to help children grow cognitive thinking skills through the solving of traffic puzzles. Though the brand names differ, the premise is the same: children free up grid-locked parking lots by moving the tiny plastic cars into the right spot in order to free up others, with […]
Oak Park takes a crack at fixing village parking - Oak Park