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The Parking Reform Era Underway for Urban Planning
The Parking Reform Era Underway for Urban Planning
When California Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 2907 into law on September 22, 2022—making it easier and cheaper to develop around transit stops by requiring less parking—it culminated a decade of political and legislative work. AB 2907 was only the latest in a string of laws proposed for similar effect, dating back to AB 710 in 2011, but it was the first to end up on the governor's desk.
The Parking Reform Era Underway for Urban Planning
How zoning reform has helped to turn Buffalo around
How zoning reform has helped to turn Buffalo around
The New York Times recently reported on Buffalo’s “other story,” an unexpected and dramatic increase in population in the last decade, the first time this had happened in 70 years. The “other story” in the Times headline is a reference to the Buffalo shooting, which brought weeks of negative media coverage to Buffalo earlier this year. Despite the revitalization efforts downtown and in other parts of the city, no one saw the demographic turnaround coming.
How zoning reform has helped to turn Buffalo around
5 ways Charlotte is rewriting development rules, besides single-family zoning
5 ways Charlotte is rewriting development rules, besides single-family zoning
Charlotte City Council is slated to vote on a nearly 700-page rewrite of the rules that guide development in our fast-growing city, but most of the attention has focused on one controversial aspect: allowing duplexes and triplexes by-right in single-family areas. Yes, but: If approved, the document, known as the Unified Development Ordinance, would regulate […]
5 ways Charlotte is rewriting development rules, besides single-family zoning
Subtracting to the Better City
Subtracting to the Better City
Counterintuitive though it may feel, sometimes to build a better city, we need to prune things back, rather than adding more.
Subtracting to the Better City
Parking reform could reenergize downtowns – here’s what happened when Buffalo changed its zoning rules
Parking reform could reenergize downtowns – here’s what happened when Buffalo changed its zoning rules
Daniel Baldwin Hess, University at Buffalo, and Jeffrey Rehler, University at Buffalo For urban planners, parking rules established decades ago have become a contentious 21st-century challenge. Parking takes up about one-third of land area in U.S. cities; nationwide, there are an
Parking reform could reenergize downtowns – here’s what happened when Buffalo changed its zoning rules
Department of Land Conservation and Development : Parking Management : Transportation and Growth Management Program : State of Oregon
Department of Land Conservation and Development : Parking Management : Transportation and Growth Management Program : State of Oregon
An overview of the benefits of good parking management practices and a collection of resources for communities looking to meet many goals by improving parking management. Curated by Oregon’s Transportation and Growth Management program.
Department of Land Conservation and Development : Parking Management : Transportation and Growth Management Program : State of Oregon