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Minneapolis Planning Commission approves a parking requirement change that may impact future developments around the University
Minneapolis Planning Commission approves a parking requirement change that may impact future developments around the University
The Minneapolis Planning Commission approved an ordinance last week that would get rid of parking minimums for new developments beginning in late May as an attempt to make the city less car-dependent.
Minneapolis Planning Commission approves a parking requirement change that may impact future developments around the University
End Central Planning for Parking - Marginal REVOLUTION
End Central Planning for Parking - Marginal REVOLUTION
Donald Shoup’s Letter in support of California’s AB 1401 which deregulates parking is a marvel; funny, incisive, economically informed. Brilliant. California has been waiting for AB 1401 for a long time. In 2005, the American Planning Association published The High Cost of Free Parking, an 800-page book in which I argued that minimum parking requirements […]
End Central Planning for Parking - Marginal REVOLUTION
Commentary: What do parking requirements have to do with affordable housing? – Streetsblog Denver
Commentary: What do parking requirements have to do with affordable housing? – Streetsblog Denver
When I entered the affordable housing world, one thing I didn’t count on was how many projects across Denver don’t even pass the visioning stage. There are a variety of reasons for this, mainly rev…
Commentary: What do parking requirements have to do with affordable housing? – Streetsblog Denver
California Mayors, City Councilors, Equity Leaders Endorse California AB 1401 to End Costly Parking Mandates - California YIMBY
California Mayors, City Councilors, Equity Leaders Endorse California AB 1401 to End Costly Parking Mandates - California YIMBY
“Affordable Housing for Humans, Not Unaffordable Parking for Cars”  Mandates Add Up to $80,000 Per Parking Spot to Cost of Housing, Rent  “200 Square Mile …
California Mayors, City Councilors, Equity Leaders Endorse California AB 1401 to End Costly Parking Mandates - California YIMBY
Why we shouldn't apply "value capture" to parking reform — Better Institutions
Why we shouldn't apply "value capture" to parking reform — Better Institutions
Value capture policies make sense when land is upzoned, but for parking it's different. Tying value capture to parking reductions amounts to "double dipping," with a lose-lose-lose result: less housing, higher rents, and more parking.
Why we shouldn't apply "value capture" to parking reform — Better Institutions
Local advocacy group, professors endorse less parking
Local advocacy group, professors endorse less parking
Yalies volunteering with a Connecticut housing advocacy group say that New Haven could use less parking. Officials from the New Haven Parking Authority and some Yale professors agree. The advocacy group, Desegregate CT, views parking quantities and the zoning reforms that govern it as adjacent to its principal concern of housing equity in the Nutmeg […]
Local advocacy group, professors endorse less parking