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A new California law makes it easier to build housing at places of worship. An LA-based Jewish community is prepared
A new California law makes it easier to build housing at places of worship. An LA-based Jewish community is prepared
(The Center Square) – When IKAR, a Los Angeles Jewish community, purchased a piece of property four years ago, they began envisioning a synagogue home for themselves. The community, which
A new California law makes it easier to build housing at places of worship. An LA-based Jewish community is prepared
Faith in Action: August 28, 2022 – Increase Housing Supply: Ease Parking Reqs For New Residences Near Transit - All Saints Church, Pasadena
Faith in Action: August 28, 2022 – Increase Housing Supply: Ease Parking Reqs For New Residences Near Transit - All Saints Church, Pasadena
Every week at All Saints Church we put our faith into action. This week we are urging our California State Senators to pass and send to the governor AB 2097 (Friedman) that would prohibit public agencies from imposing or enforcing parking minimums on new developments within ½ mile of a major transit stop, such as along a light rail transit (LRT) line or bus rapid transit (BRT) line.
Faith in Action: August 28, 2022 – Increase Housing Supply: Ease Parking Reqs For New Residences Near Transit - All Saints Church, Pasadena
San Diego Proposes Easing Church Parking Rules In Favor Of Housing
San Diego Proposes Easing Church Parking Rules In Favor Of Housing
City officials want to revamp parking regulations for houses of worship and other site geared toward public assembly to facilitate more home construction. The changes have been pushed by a group of housing activists calling themselves YIGBY, for "Yes in God's Backyard."
San Diego Proposes Easing Church Parking Rules In Favor Of Housing