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Daily Dirt: NYC Developers Eye End of Parking Mandates
Daily Dirt: NYC Developers Eye End of Parking Mandates
The city is zeroing in on an overlooked contributor to the housing crisis. We’re talking about parking minimums, which have been a thorn in New York City developers’ side since the 1950s. Parking garages drive up the cost of their projects but usually don’t produce a return, so developers have to charge more for their […]
Daily Dirt: NYC Developers Eye End of Parking Mandates
Eric Adams Pitches End to Parking Mandates
Eric Adams Pitches End to Parking Mandates
In a City of Yes, parking requirements are a No. The Adams administration is proposing eliminating parking mandates for new residential construction throughout the city, part of the Zoning for Housing Opportunity text amendment. The change — one of several “City of Yes” initiatives — would leave a mark in a city where fewer than […]
Eric Adams Pitches End to Parking Mandates