The Fastest Way To Remove Parking Mandates: Change One Word
By changing a single word in its parking code, Norman, OK, was able to slow the spread of parking lots and remove a major barrier to entry for small developers.
Personal View: Communities should follow Cleveland's lead and ease parking mandates
The city of Cleveland recently passed legislation that will update parking mandates and include mobility alternatives for projects that are near high-frequency transit routes. These regulatory changes are important.
Coastal Commission OKs 'Spaces as Places' parking replacement requirement for beach areas
Six La Jolla locations are affected by regulations requiring public parking occupied by outdoor dining to be replaced with an equivalent number of spaces elsewhere.
GoLocalProv | News | 24% of Downtown Providence Is Parking — Is that Good or Bad
Newly released data shows that 24% of Providence’s downtown is dedicated to parking. “We are analyzing all cities over 300,000 and for cities over a metro area of more than 1 million,” said Thomas Carpenito.
Southern Ontario group plazaPOPS has come up with the novel idea of creating new and vibrant common areas in underused space such as strip mall parking lots.
Giant trash bins land in Harlem: Will they fight rats or just take up parking?
The installations, which aim to eliminate sidewalk trash mountains and rat populations, are part of a pilot program announced this May and are modeled after European-style shared street bins.
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Video written by Amy Muller
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22% of Downtown Santa Ana is taken up by parking spaces and lots
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