

Opinion: To Lower Housing Production Costs, Put People Before Parking
Opinion: To Lower Housing Production Costs, Put People Before Parking
"There is a real solution: end the off-street parking requirements mandated by archaic zoning laws enacted when gas was cheap and full of lead, elevated trains were being torn down, and flying cars were the future. With climate change now posing an existential threat, it is time to move on."
Opinion: To Lower Housing Production Costs, Put People Before Parking
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Don­ald Shoup, an urban plan­ning pro­fessor at the Uni­versity of Cali­for­nia Los Angeles, pub­lished a brick of a book in 2005 called The High Cost of Free Park­ing. Work of such dens­ity is not usu­ally widely read; Prof. Shoup’s book, however,...
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