ITE Quickbites - Parking Minimums

Spreading the Gospel of Induced Demand - Transfers Magazine
Induced demand is commonly misunderstood, and transportation professionals need to help explain it.
How green is my free parking structure? Still, not very.
No matter how many solar panels it has, your parking garage isn't green, and especially if you don't charge for parking. Almost five years ago, we called out the folks at the National Renewable Energy…
Cincinnati Ends Parking Requirements in the City’s West End | Planetizen News
The West End neighborhood of Cincinnati is home to 6,000 residents but only one dine-in restaurant. Neighborhood stakeholders hope that rescinding parking requirements in the neighborhood—along with a big influx of cash from the federal government—wi
Electric Driving Is the Future; Now Is the Time to Price It | Planetizen Features
EVs are great, but they’re not perfect. Let’s end their free ride.
Call the State Legislature in Support of AB 2097!
AB 2097 will reduce the cost of housing while slashing the pollution that causes climate change.
Can Technology Help Cities Manage Curbs Better?
We’re asking our streets and sidewalks to do more and more. Start-ups are trying to help with curbside management tools — but will cities rise to the challenge?
D.C. region leaders want to halve transportation emissions by 2030 despite road widening plans - Virginia Mercury
D.C. region officials have pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles despite pursuing projects that could hinder reductions.
Race, Class and Traffic Deaths
A surge in vehicle crashes is disproportionately harming lower-income families and Black Americans.
Why congestion pricing reduces traffic better than new highway lanes
If New York City adopts congestion pricing, it would be the first US city to put a tax on traffic of sorts.
Should It Be Easier to Take Away a Driver’s License?
It’s not a right, but we often treat it like one.
France is giving €4,000 to people who trade in their car for an e-bike
France wants 9 percent of its citizens to shift to biking.
How this Dutch design convinces residents to swap car parking for bike racks
A ‘fietsvlonder,’ or bicycle platform, lets a neighborhood trial the change from car parking to bike parking to get used to the switch—and see if there’s a demand—before it’s made permanent.
Bills Still Alive: Parking Reform, Corporate Climate Accountability
The meat grinder of the Appropriations process spits out a few wins
Empty car parks everywhere, but nowhere to park. How cities can do better
There are thousands of empty parking spots in cities. So what can we do to make better use of this space?
Op-Ed: L.A. is spending tens of billions of dollars to make climate change and traffic worse
The expansion of highways will do far more harm than the expansion of mass transit will avert.
Ann Arbor Votes to Eliminate Parking Minimums | Planetizen News
Ann Arbor, Michigan approved changes to the city’s Unified Development Code (UDC) earlier this week that eliminate off-street parking requirements for a variety of development types throughout the city.
Car Owners Say It’s ‘Virtually Impossible’ to Find Street Parking in New York City
A spike in car ownership, dining sheds and the comeback of alternate-side parking are making it tougher than ever to find spaces.
Mythbuster: Congestion Pricing Study Shows Neighborhoods Won’t Be Flooded With Desperate Parkers
Time to park this fear in the dustbin of history.
To Fix Inflation And Climate Change, Get Americans out of Cars
Our gas-guzzling rides are tanking our personal finances and municipal budgets as well as dooming the planet.
How zoning reform has helped to turn Buffalo around
The New York Times recently reported on Buffalo’s “other story,” an unexpected and dramatic increase in population in the last decade, the first time this had happened in 70 years. The “other story” in the Times headline is a reference to the Buffalo shooting, which brought weeks of negative media coverage to Buffalo earlier this year. Despite the revitalization efforts downtown and in other parts of the city, no one saw the demographic turnaround coming.
City of Portland zoning code proposal for electric vehicle charging leaves out e-bikes - BikePortland
Last week, the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) released a new draft proposal for its Electric Vehicle Ready Code project, which would amend city zoning code to require electric vehicle charging at new multi-unit dwellings. But advocates for electric bikes – who frequently lament being left out of efforts to expand electric vehicle ... Read more
5 ways Charlotte is rewriting development rules, besides single-family zoning
Charlotte City Council is slated to vote on a nearly 700-page rewrite of the rules that guide development in our fast-growing city, but most of the attention has focused on one controversial aspect: allowing duplexes and triplexes by-right in single-family areas. Yes, but: If approved, the document, known as the Unified Development Ordinance, would regulate […]
Brussels breaks up with the car
As part of a wider plan to slash traffic, the city center is pushing out the car to ‘make space for people.’
Humanity. Desperately trying to save our way of life at the cost of - Marco Te Brömmelstroet on LinkedIn | 122 comments
Humanity. Desperately trying to save our way of life at the cost of everything else.
by: 122 comments on LinkedIn
Bill says ‘parking space first’ before car purchase, registration
The Nation's Leading Newspaper
Zoning is ruining Southern California cities
The California Dream isn’t quite dead yet.
Oceans of asphalt – BG zoning update would no longer require massive parking lots – BG Independent News
Subtracting to the Better City
Counterintuitive though it may feel, sometimes to build a better city, we need to prune things back, rather than adding more.
Op-Ed: Why California Should Ban Parking Minimums
In most California cities, whenever developers construct a new building, local governments force them to provide a certain amount of parking as well. These rules – minimum parking requirement…