Too much of the space in our downtowns is taken up by parked cars, and requiring developers to provide so many parking slots inflates the cost of housing. It’s becoming clear that those mandates are irrational.
Dallas Wants to Develop Some of Those Empty Parking Lots Around DART Stations - D Magazine
The exceptions, like Mockingbird Station, prove the de facto rule in Dallas: many light rail stations are surrounded by little more than unused parking spaces.
Who Is Trying to ‘Save Parking Structure 3’ From Becoming Affordable Housing?
Santa Monica wants to tear down an underused parking facility in the heart of downtown and replace it with affordable housing. Who could possibly be against that?
Electric vehicles are here. Now we need the infrastructure
Electric vehicles are better than ever and selling in record numbers. But we're only in the early stages of building the infrastructure to support them. That's a problem.
Streets for All Announces L.A. 25×25 Challenge to Re-Allocate Public Space for People
L.A. 25×25 pushes to give 25 percent of street space back to the people by 2025 – expanding Slow Streets, outdoor dining, plazas, green space, bus shelters, tree planting, pedestrian spa…
SPD und Grüne wollen jeden vierten Parkplatz in Berlin-Mitte umwandeln
Grüne und SPD wollen in Berlin-Mitte jeden vierten Parkplatz umwidmen. Ein Entwurf für die Zählergemeinschaft der beiden Parteien beschreibt, wie die Straßen des Bezirks grüner, und die Kreuzungen sicherer werden sollen.
Can Churches Help to Ease the Affordable-Housing Shortage?
Houses of worship own billions worth of empty, deteriorating or underused real estate. Some local governments and denominations are moving to carve it into badly needed housing, but there are plenty of obstacles.
Pandemic-era Street Spaces: Parklets, Patios, and the Future of the Public Realm
By John Bela, ASLA On a clear fall day in 2005, a group of friends and collaborators from the art collective Rebar commandeered an 8-foot-wide by 20-foot-long metered parking space in downtown San …
Developers Offer Mobility Services to Lure Car-Free Renters
Residents of Culdesac Tempe, a no-cars-allowed development in Arizona, will receive a bundle of discounted mobility services when the first units open in 2022.
What Would Our Cities Look Like If AVs Ruled the Roads?
Autonomous vehicles could unleash a second wave of suburban sprawl that makes cities inhospitable to people outside cars in new ways — unless governments adopt policies to soften their impact now, …