

Toronto neighbourhood residents upset about plans to turn parking lot into affordable housing - Toronto |
Toronto neighbourhood residents upset about plans to turn parking lot into affordable housing - Toronto |
Meanwhile, homeless advocates are asking East York residents for some compassion and to allow the affordable housing development to be built in their neighbourhood.
Toronto neighbourhood residents upset about plans to turn parking lot into affordable housing - Toronto |
The opportunity cost of parking requirements: Would Silicon Valley be richer if its parking requirements were lower? | Journal of Transport and Land Use
The opportunity cost of parking requirements: Would Silicon Valley be richer if its parking requirements were lower? | Journal of Transport and Land Use
We estimate the off-street parking supply of the seven most economically productive cities in Santa Clara County, California, better known as Silicon Valley. Using assessor data, municipal zoning data, and visual inspection of aerial imagery, we estimate that about 13 percent of the land area in these cities is devoted to parking, and that more than half of the average commercial parcel is parking space. This latter fact suggests that minimum parking requirements, if binding, depress Silicon Valley’s commercial and industrial densities, and thus its economic output. In an exploratory empiri...
The opportunity cost of parking requirements: Would Silicon Valley be richer if its parking requirements were lower? | Journal of Transport and Land Use