Asm Buffy Wicks Introduces "Yes in God's Backyard" Bill to Assist States Housing Crisis - East County Today

The New Cool in Parking Garage Design | ArchDaily
Denver RTD Approves ‘Equitable’ TOD Policy - Railway Age
Getting There: City parking fund faces nearly $10 million in costs as it prepares to roll out new downtown rates, system
Changes Coming To Bend's Downtown Parking Garage |
How does Lafayette's downtown parking compare to others? Lack of technology might be biggest difference | Business |
Spokane, Wash., Looks at Bans to Cover Garage Debt Default | Bond Buyer
Mayor vetoes loan to troubled garage; bonds in default • Daily Journal of Commerce
parking instead of housing – Getting Around Sacramento
I am working on a project to find some of the land in the central city that could be housing instead of empty land, or surface parking lots. To me, every surface parking lot is a crime against the …
Toronto neighbourhood residents upset about plans to turn parking lot into affordable housing - Toronto |
Meanwhile, homeless advocates are asking East York residents for some compassion and to allow the affordable housing development to be built in their neighbourhood.
Reversing Car Dependency: Summary and Conclusions
A's plan to build a new waterfront stadium at Oakland's Jack London Square takes big step forward
Oakland released the draft environmental impact report Friday for the A’s baseball...
Boncore bill backs fare-free MBTA
Set children free: are playgrounds a form of incarceration? | Architecture | The Guardian
COVID NJ: Towns desperate to borrow after significant revenue losses
Free parking for free people: German road laws and rights as constraints on local car parking management - ScienceDirect
The paper is based on research conducted with support from the German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Research Stays for Academics funding.While German citie…
Want fewer cars on the roads? Don’t build parking, research suggests
Changes on the way for parking in Easton | Lehigh Valley Regional News |
City transfers parking enforcement duties from police department to Mobile GR |
Parking garage at George Bush Intercontinental Airport to be demolished to make way for new Mickey Leland International Terminal | Community Impact Newspaper
Why Do Airports Not Want Us To Have Nice Things? - The Handbuilt City
Opinion | The high cost of D.C.’s cheap parking - The Washington Post
The opportunity cost of parking requirements: Would Silicon Valley be richer if its parking requirements were lower? | Journal of Transport and Land Use
We estimate the off-street parking supply of the seven most economically productive cities in Santa Clara County, California, better known as Silicon Valley. Using assessor data, municipal zoning data, and visual inspection of aerial imagery, we estimate that about 13 percent of the land area in these cities is devoted to parking, and that more than half of the average commercial parcel is parking space. This latter fact suggests that minimum parking requirements, if binding, depress Silicon Valley’s commercial and industrial densities, and thus its economic output. In an exploratory empiri...
Study in order for parking along West Avenue in Fayetteville, transportation committee says
Montreal parking rates are double Toronto's and four times Canadian average | City News |
Newark City Council continues debate on parking shortage at popular reservoir park | The Latest from WDEL News |
Walthamstow residents fear losing jobs after parking removed | East London and West Essex Guardian Series
East Lansing parking revenue plummets
Adoption of license plate readers stirs privacy anxieties in Palo Alto | News | Palo Alto Online |
Springfield officials looking at future of paid parking in downtown