Initial plans call for a solar canopy at the John Bryan Community Center. The covered pavilion would feature a solar roof with at least a 200-kilowatt capacity, with vehicle parking and event space underneath.
Fairfax County could replace parking lots with affordable housing
Fairfax County may be swapping out some of its extra parking space at the Fairfax County Government Center for affordable housing. You’ll soon have a chance to tell the board what you think.
County Approves Performance Parking Pilot After Hashing Out Equity Concerns
The County Board approved a test of surge-price parking in Arlington on Tuesday, after discussing the potential impacts on people with lower incomes. The $5.4 million project is funded by VDOT, and the funds are expected to cover everything from developing to installing the needed parking softwar
After 19 months in office, Oswego Village Board President Troy Parlier attacked expenses on the new downtown parking garage, part of The Reserve At Hudson Crossing project.
PBOT eyes tough choices as 10% cut looms over budget process -
“I’m just speaking from a parent’s perspective and how hard it is to to get certain things done for schools; and to see more cuts even proposed… it’s frustrating.” — Read More »
Lazowski, Shelbourne voice opposition to proposed Hartford parking-lot fee hike | Hartford Business Journal
Hartford's City Council Monday night punted on a measure that would significantly hike fees on downtown parking-lot operators after major downtown investors including Alan Lazowksi and Shelbourne Global Solutions LLC came out against the measure.
How to Solve the Transit Budget Crunch: Price the Private Use of Public Streets | SPUR
COVID-19 has been catastrophic for public transit. Plunging fare and tax revenues are forcing drastic cuts. In a guest post for SPUR, two UC Davis law professors suggest that there’s a solution right under our feet: Make private drivers pay market rates to park on the public’s roads. And yes, they argue, it’s legal.
Americans Like Free Parking. They Don’t Realize It Doesn’t Exist.
When you zip into a space and don’t pay for it, somebody is still footing the bill. It’s not just somebody else – it’s you. You’re paying for the traffic jams and pollution you’re getting stuck with.
Negotiations are almost complete on a contract to build a parking deck to replace the parking spaces that will be lost when the large lot across from the Walton Arts Center is redeveloped as part of the Cultural Arts Corridor project.
Aspen parking department takes $1M revenue hit due to pandemic
Parking in Aspen residential areas will remain free until February and virtual permits is a possibility in 2021. The city’s parking department lost $1M in revenue due to the changes because of the pandemic.
Enroll now: Parking, Towing, Assistance Program helps St. Louisans with outstanding parking tickets
The St. Louis City Treasurer’s Office is “giving out grace” during the pandemic to St. Louisans with outstanding parking tickets through their Parking, Towing, and Assistance Program (P…
Automobile-dependent planning has changed automobiles from a luxury into a necessity. Excessive vehicle costs leave many households without money to purchase essential food, shelter and healthcare.
Burlington parking no longer a police issue; rather, it’s customer service
The city council voted for the change in November, as part of a larger push led by Progressives and Black activists over the past six months to shift funding and responsibilities away from police.
Tactical urbanism, parklets, and a post-COVID recovery
R Rawlings, Vestre Ltd, discusses how COVID-19 has acted as a catalyst for transforming urban spaces, and why introducing parklets could be the way forward
Trains, Walking, Biking: Why Germany Needs to Look Beyond Cars
Power Switch: Fourth in a continuing series about the German energy transition. BERLIN—In Germany, you can go almost anywhere on a train. Inside this city’s glass-enclosed central station, trains from the local transit system arrive on the upper level from all over the region, their doors opening to disgorge the morning commuters. Down several turns of an escalator […]
The Right to the Shoreline: Race, Exclusion, and Public Beaches in Metropolitan Chicago | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
In shoreline metropolitan regions, summer means beach season. Public beaches in urban and suburban areas serve multiple purposes: vital shoreline ecosystems, recreational amenities, vital spaces for cooling down during hot summers – especially for households without air conditioning – and open spaces for the public.
Opinion: Why Mayor Kenney must defend Philly’s parking tax - WHYY
Philadelphia City Council passed a bill lowering the city’s parking tax. The move would roll back progress on meeting city goals and generating revenue at a time of financial crisis.