

Parking Validation: What If I Don’t Drive?
Parking Validation: What If I Don’t Drive?
You’ve probably been offered parking validation, as I have, at restaurants, grocery stores -- even the county Human Services office where I receive benefits (while working three jobs and freelancing on the side). But what if, like me, you don’t have a car? Which of these places will validate your visiting them by riding transit, biking, walking or scootering? This conversation came up recently on Twitter, when Julia Curran wrote about her experience asking businesses,
Parking Validation: What If I Don’t Drive?
San Diego Proposes Easing Church Parking Rules In Favor Of Housing
San Diego Proposes Easing Church Parking Rules In Favor Of Housing
City officials want to revamp parking regulations for houses of worship and other site geared toward public assembly to facilitate more home construction. The changes have been pushed by a group of housing activists calling themselves YIGBY, for "Yes in God's Backyard."
San Diego Proposes Easing Church Parking Rules In Favor Of Housing
Restoring the missing middle: an affordable housing plan for Hartford
Restoring the missing middle: an affordable housing plan for Hartford
We all need a place to live in. For many families, housing remains one of the biggest, and most critical, monthly expenses, one that has an impact on everything from their health to their children’s education. Cities must ensure that residents have access to housing that is both affordable, well-maintained, and has good access to jobs and services. This is the one policy that policymakers should make a priority to get it right.
Restoring the missing middle: an affordable housing plan for Hartford