Implementation of the workplace parking levy as a transport policy instrument
Car parking spaces occupy significant areas land within cities and, in many areas, is often provided to motorists free of charge or at low cost. This …
Parking Garages Transform Urban Environments with Living Green Walls
Parking garages are a central element in many urban and suburban development projects, and green wall technology improves energy efficiency and aesthetics.
Minneapolis Takes Big Step toward Legalizing Triplexes on All Single-Family Lots
Plan approved by Minneapolis city council also includes taller apartment buildings near transit and a historic abolition on all off-street parking quotas.
Delivery Drivers Can Reserve Curb Space Ahead of Time in D.C.
An innovative pilot project is under way in Washington, D.C., which is pursuing radical steps to rethink the use of on-street curb spaces in an era of transformative transportation technology.
This Startup Wants to Tame the Chaos of City Street Parking
Everyone vies for curb space: taxis, Ubers, delivery trucks, buses, bicycles, and residents. In Washington, DC, CurbFlow is testing spots reserved via app.
Relaxed Orange County zoning could add 30,000 places to live by 2030, task force recommends
Orange County’s housing task force wants to loosen decades-old zoning codes and give bigger incentives to developers, in hopes of adding 30,000 much-need units over the next 10 years.
Many jurisdictions have vehicle travel reduction targets. Integrating Smart Growth policies can help achieve these reductions as well as other planning goals.
“Future-Proofing” Buildings to Account for Autonomous Vehicles
As self-driving vehicles become more ubiquitous, facility designers and owners will need to develop strategies that cover a wide range of possibilities.
We Require Too Much Parking. These Boston Planners Found Out Exactly How Much.
It’s easy to claim “We have too much parking” but to prove it? These Boston area planners were up to the challenge, surveying over 200 apartment buildings’ parking lots. What they found… might not shock you.
Emeryville may scrap parking requirements for all new buildings to discourage car use
In an effort to encourage people to ditch their cars, Emeryville may scrap a long-standing requirement that developers provide ample off-street parking spaces for their buildings — if any at …
Cities that require builders to provide off-street parking trigger more traffic, sprawl, and housing unaffordability. But we can break the vicious cycle.