Downtown east parking study2015 intro
Fort Collins Parking Plan
Boise Parking Requirements White Paper
Parking Management Comprehensive Implementation Guide 27 December 2022
Want to park in Koreatown? Get ready for a ‘blood sport’
In Koreatown, one of L.A. County's densest areas, the rhythms of daily life revolve around the scarcity of spaces.
San Diego Planning Commission Approves ‘Transit Priority’ Parking Reforms
San Diego is on track to eliminate parking requirements within a half-mile of major public transit stops
Mean streets: Self-driving cars will "cruise" to avoid paying to park
If you think traffic in city centers is bad now, just wait until self-driving cars emerge on the scene, cruising around to avoid paying hefty downtown parking fees.
How Robotic Parking Systems Enable Urban Architecture
Saving space, reducing costs and a pleasant user experience – parking doesn’t get much better than this. Cityscapes around the world are changing,...
What if parking garages could have a second life? Design firms like UltraBarrio and Gensler bet on it
Parking garages run rampant, especially in Los Angeles. According to Gensler's co-CEO Andy Cohen there are 500 million parking spaces in the United States. “Think about all that real estate, all that attention to parking, that could be revitalized and reused for the future of our cities.”...
Work, park, live: Inside Cincinnati’s parking garage turned lifestyle
It doesn’t look like much from the outside. But as they say, you can’t always judge a book by its cover. And more interesting design flashes take over inside The Summit, A Dolce Hotel, featuring a
Living in a parking garage? These unique Wichita lofts are the first of their kind
The Broadway Autopark, a 44-unit residential complex, opened on April 1. The apartments were built into the former Knightley's Parking Garage at 303 S. Broadway in downtown Wichita. The parking garage has been converted into apartments.
These future-proof parking garages can easily morph into offices or housing
Parking takes up an extraordinary amount of space in cities. These projects are making it easier to convert it to something more useful than car storage.
Rio de Janeiro Joins Other Latin American City Leaders in Parking Reform
In the beginning of 2019, the City of Rio de Janeiro approved new building codes to restrict off-street parking and promote non-motorized transport by removing parking minimums, making Rio the first Brazilian city to pass parking legislation. This ruling comes after years of advocacy by ITDP Brazil, such as the 2017 study on Rio de […]
Cincinnati’s Curb of the Future
A year ago, Uber and the City of Cincinnati announced the Cincinnati Mobility Lab, a multi-year partnership that seeks to develop…
How Detroit's Love Of Parking That's Written Into Law Helped Create The District Detroit Mess
The District Detroit has gotten a lot of critical media coverage. It’s pretty clear that the renderings portrayed when the project launched haven’t matched the reality. Instead of city-like streets full of life and teaming with offices, retail and residential — it’s a sea of surface parking lots. Although the Ilitch organization has been getting …
Five ways to improve the RPP system
The Council’s twin bills to reserve one side of every residential block for residents only are well-intentioned, but overly simplistic solutions to the complex problem in DC’s Residential Permit Parking (RPP) system. How could we do better?
Neighborhood-based prices could fix DC’s residential parking
The District’s one-size-fits-all approach to residential parking results in inefficient allocation of a scarce resource. Tailoring prices by neighborhood for the city’s residential parking permit (RPP) program could make the system more responsive to the unique needs of individual communities. When DC introduced its RPP system in the 1970s, it was designed…
Dutch auctions could improve parking permits in DC
Nothing in urban life seems to be as contentious as on-street parking in DC. One answer may be a Dutch auction, which allows residents to set the price of parking, making parking more responsive to demand. In DC, residential parking permits (RPPs) are sold to residents well below market rates, meaning people have an incentive to use more space than they may need. This restricts…
DC residents may be willing to pay more for parking
A new survey from DDOT suggests many DC residents are willing to support more expensive residential street parking if it makes finding a spot near their home easier. Many agree that DC’s Resident Parking Permit (RPP) program isn’t meeting the city’s needs, and should be be updated. But conventional wisdom holds that most substantive changes, especially…
Residential parking permits are valuable. Why don’t cities price them accordingly?
The Prince George’s County Council recently discussed legislation designed to better implement residential parking permits. The bill is a positive step towards better managing on-street parking for the county's growing communities and neighborhoods, but one challenge for any such legislation is addressing how residents perceive property rights, ownership of street space, and what’s “fair.”
One Line of Your Zoning Code Can Make a World of Difference
Sandpoint, Idaho eliminated its downtown parking minimums 10 years ago. Since then, at least four projects that could not otherwise have happened have brought new vibrancy and economic productivity to downtown.
Time to have that uncomfortable talk. I mean about parking.
A Walmart in east Charlotte offers a gracious plenty of parking. Photo: Google Maps satellite view It’s a question without easy answers...
The Case for a Tax on Parking Lots
Parking lots make cities less walkable, bikeable, and transit-friendly. They crowd out space for housing. But with a parking lot tax, incentives change and using parking as a placeholder becomes a …
Parking Cash Out Report
Report on Parking Cash Out by Don Shoup
California's Parking Cash-Out Law
parking cash-out, parking cash out, AB 2109, Section 43845 Health Safety Code
Portland Will Grow — But Without Adding Cars
The city plans to add 2 percent of street space in the central city for bus and bike lanes, increasing carrying capacity 60 percent.
Transportation Wallet | The City of Portland, Oregon
We plan, build, manage and maintain an effective and safe transportation system that provides people and businesses access and mobility.
Converting Garages for Cars into Housing for People
Sweeping conclusions about the location and travel desires of millennials may be premature
Effect of free parking on commuter mode choice