
Transport planning “bibles” overestimate car and parking needs, and this may be hurting smart growth development
Transport planning “bibles” overestimate car and parking needs, and this may be hurting smart growth development
Cars are, and will for the foreseeable future continue to be, an incredibly important component of our society. In new research Guang Tian looks at the models used by transport planners to determin…
Transport planning “bibles” overestimate car and parking needs, and this may be hurting smart growth development
The opportunity cost of parking requirements: Would Silicon Valley be richer if its parking requirements were lower? | Journal of Transport and Land Use
The opportunity cost of parking requirements: Would Silicon Valley be richer if its parking requirements were lower? | Journal of Transport and Land Use
We estimate the off-street parking supply of the seven most economically productive cities in Santa Clara County, California, better known as Silicon Valley. Using assessor data, municipal zoning data, and visual inspection of aerial imagery, we estimate that about 13 percent of the land area in these cities is devoted to parking, and that more than half of the average commercial parcel is parking space. This latter fact suggests that minimum parking requirements, if binding, depress Silicon Valley’s commercial and industrial densities, and thus its economic output. In an exploratory empiri...
The opportunity cost of parking requirements: Would Silicon Valley be richer if its parking requirements were lower? | Journal of Transport and Land Use
How interventions in master plans affect public transport competitiveness versus cars: a case study of two small and two medium-sized city regions
How interventions in master plans affect public transport competitiveness versus cars: a case study of two small and two medium-sized city regions
(2021). How interventions in master plans affect public transport competitiveness versus cars: a case study of two small and two medium-sized city regions. Urban, Planning and Transport Research. Ahead of Print.
How interventions in master plans affect public transport competitiveness versus cars: a case study of two small and two medium-sized city regions
The impact of ride hailing on parking (and vice versa)
The impact of ride hailing on parking (and vice versa)
Investigating emerging transportation services is critical to forecasting mode choice and providing appropriate infrastructure. One such infrastructure is parking, as parking demand may shift with the availability of ride-hailing services. This study uses ethnographic methods—complemented with passenger surveys collected when driving for Uber and Lyft in the Denver, Colorado, region—to gather quantitative and qualitative data on ride-hailing and analyze the impacts of ride-hailing on parking, including changes in parking demand and parking as a reason to deter driving. The study also examin...
The impact of ride hailing on parking (and vice versa)