Stuck in Park: How Mandatory Parking Minimums Hurt American Cities
Underpriced undervalued curbside pricing toronto
Exploring curbside pricing policies in Toronto
On-Street Parking Pricing Policies
On-street parking meters, off-street parking lots, special events, motorcycles, and Pay or Permit blocks
Comprehensive Parking Supply, Cost and Pricing Analysis
Parking facilities are a critical part of a transportation system: vehicles are typically parked about 23 hours per day and require parking at every destination. These facilities impose various economic, social and environmental costs. This report describes how to estimate the number of parking spaces that exist in an area, their total costs, and optimal pricing. This information is important for many policy and planning decisions. Recent surveys indicate that typical North American communities have three to eight parking spaces per vehicle, including many seldom-used spaces. Considering land, construction and operating expenses, their total annualized costs per space typically range from about $600 for a basic surface lot on inexpensive land to more than $5,000 for high-amenity structured parking. Overall, their costs are estimated to average about $1,000 annually per space or $5,000 per vehicle-year, totaling more than a trillion dollars per year in the U.S. For every dollar a motorist spends on their vehicle somebody typically spends about a dollar on parking for its use. Most parking costs are external, resulting in higher taxes, rents and retail prices, plus significant environmental damages. These external costs are economically inefficient and unfair since they increase total parking and traffic costs, and force households that drive less than average to cross-subsidize higher-mileage motorists. More efficient parking management can provide larger savings and benefits than previously recognized.
Parking Management: Comprehensive Implementation Guide
Parking management refers to various policies and programs that result in more efficient use of parking resources. This guide describes and evaluates more than two-dozen such strategies. It investigates problems with current parking planning practices, discusses the costs of parking facilities and the savings that can result from improved management, describes specific parking management strategies and how they can be implemented, discusses parking management planning and evaluation, and describes how to develop the optimal parking management program in a particular situation. Cost-effective parking management programs can usually reduce parking requirements by 20-40% compared with conventional planning requirements, providing many economic, social and environmental benefits.
Parking Pricing Implementation Guidelines
How More Efficient Parking Pricing Can Help Solve Parking and Traffic Problems, Increase Revenue, and Achieve Other Planning Objectives
Reforming Municipal Parking Policies to Align With Strategic Community Goals
The City of Victoria is currently engaged in a parking policy review which proposes reducing some off-street parking requirements ( These changes are good, but modest. This short report identifies much bolder reforms that would better align parking policies with other community goals. Although written for Victoria, the analysis and recommendations are appropriate for most municipalities.
Parking and Affordable Housing 2021/2022 Report
The following pages demonstrate what we learned, and
our understanding of the current demand for parking for
affordable housing across the Front Range.
An agenda for abundant-housing
The sections that follow explore the housing crisis from five key perspectives. 1. historical overview 2. growth controls 3. political economy of housing policy 4. restrictive housing policy 5. solutions to the housing crisis
Cities get money to address traffic, parking, air-quality issues
The projects will be funded by the Southern California Association of Governments.
LA City Planning Director Vince Bertoni on State Housing & Planning Paradigm Shift | The Planning Report
The Planning Report is the insider's guide to urban planning and infrastructure in Southern California
Minimum parking requirements and housing affordability, 2018
Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis II – Parking Costs
Victoria Transport Institute, 2009
Climate Impact of Your Neighborhood, Mapped
Where and how you live shapes your household’s contribution to climate change. Explore differences across the nation.
Parking Reform for Affordable Housing Production | Planetizen News
The Regional Plan Association published “Parking Policy Is Housing Policy: How Reducing Parking Requirements Stimulates Affordable Housing Production.”
Finding space for nature in cities: the considerable potential of redundant car parking - npj Urban Sustainability
Finding space for nature in cities: the considerable potential of redundant car parking
Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right-of-Way, Part 1: Dynamic Curbside Management Guide and Part 2: Conduct of Research Report
Download a PDF of "Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right-of-Way, Part 1: Dynamic Curbside Management Guide and Part 2: Conduct of Research Report" by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine for free.
Study highlights effective ways to reduce car use in cities | Eltis
Visualizing changes in physical activity behavioral patterns after redesigning urban infrastructure
The aim of this study was to explore effects of a major urban reconstruction on physical activity (PA) behavior by comparing PA intensity hotspots bef…
Public Views on the Reallocation of Street Space Due to COVID-19
Many towns and cities have reallocated street space in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was done to allow more social distancing for physical activity and to provide space for restaurants to...
Parking Induces Driving, Study Says | Planetizen News
MRSC - A Primer on Safe Parking Programs for People Experiencing Homelessness
Philadelphia Parking Separated Bike Lane Study | Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Sustainability
The City conducted a study to better understand the safety benefits, effectiveness, and usage impacts of parking separated bike lanes.
Parking Requirement Impacts on Housing Affordability
Department of Land Conservation and Development : Parking Management : Transportation and Growth Management Program : State of Oregon
An overview of the benefits of good parking management practices and a collection of resources for communities looking to meet many goals by improving parking management. Curated by Oregon’s Transportation and Growth Management program.
Comparative Case Studies of Parking Reduction at Transit-Oriented Developments in the U.S.A. | National Institute for Transportation and Communities
Political Partisanship and Transportation Reform
(2021). Political Partisanship and Transportation Reform. Journal of the American Planning Association. Ahead of Print.