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Addressing the “minimum parking” problem for on-demand mobility
Addressing the “minimum parking” problem for on-demand mobility
Parking infrastructure is pervasive and occupies large swaths of land in cities. However, on-demand (OD) mobility has started reducing parking needs in urban areas around the world. This trend is expected to grow significantly with the advent of autonomous driving, which might render on-demand mobility predominant. Recent studies have started looking at expected parking reductions with on-demand mobility, but a systematic framework is still lacking. In this paper, we apply a data-driven methodology based on shareability networks to address what we call the “minimum parking” problem: what is...
Addressing the “minimum parking” problem for on-demand mobility
Car-reduced neighborhoods as blueprints for the transition toward an environmentally friendly urban transport system? A comparison of narratives and mobility-related practices in two case studies - ScienceDirect
Car-reduced neighborhoods as blueprints for the transition toward an environmentally friendly urban transport system? A comparison of narratives and mobility-related practices in two case studies - ScienceDirect
In the pursuit of sustainability, the concept of ‘car-reduced neighborhoods’ promises to decrease car ownership and increase car-independent mobility.…
Car-reduced neighborhoods as blueprints for the transition toward an environmentally friendly urban transport system? A comparison of narratives and mobility-related practices in two case studies - ScienceDirect
Rethinking Parking Policy to Achieve Equitable Transit-Oriented Development
Rethinking Parking Policy to Achieve Equitable Transit-Oriented Development
What if cities and communities rethought parking policy and designed it not only to serve transportation goals but also equity goals? Leading with equity creates better transportation options for all. It also opens up new ways of looking at traditional problems and solutions. This includes the commo
Rethinking Parking Policy to Achieve Equitable Transit-Oriented Development
Report: How to Prioritize Housing and Right-Size Parking at Transit Stations – Streetsblog California
Report: How to Prioritize Housing and Right-Size Parking at Transit Stations – Streetsblog California
TransForm analyzed plans for housing at several urban rail stations, offering ideas about how to best achieve goals on reducing single occupant vehicle trips to transit stations.
Report: How to Prioritize Housing and Right-Size Parking at Transit Stations – Streetsblog California