Sustainability & Net Zero

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STOPP-START - CGA Toolkit Plus
STOPP-START - CGA Toolkit Plus
STOPP-START - CGA Toolkit Plus : Resources for the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based Proactive Primary Care of the Elderly.
STOPP-START - CGA Toolkit Plus
About us
About us
We're a network of people encouraging action on sustainability in primary care by providing information, convening groups to share learning and speaking up on the national stage.
About us
Greener practice South Yorkshire rolling log
Greener practice South Yorkshire rolling log
Greener practice updates In keeping with Creating a Thinking Environment advice it is useful to provide updates in written form and avoid talking through them at meetings. This rolling log is updated about every 6 weeks (though different bits are updated by different people) and is divided into l...
Greener practice South Yorkshire rolling log
Toolkit: Fostering green champions at work
Toolkit: Fostering green champions at work
Improving workplace sustainability requires engagement across the whole organisation. A green team refers to a group of people who meet regularly to increase their knowledge of sustainability issues and act as champions for improvements in the business’ environmental performance. The identity and tone of the project helps make it recognisable and understandable to staff and it also portrays the organisation’s personality internally. Green champion networks do not have to be dry and serious,...
Toolkit: Fostering green champions at work
SEE Sustainability
SEE Sustainability
Helping you get your practice to net-zero
SEE Sustainability
Education for Sustainable Healthcare | CSH Networks
Education for Sustainable Healthcare | CSH Networks
A peer network to support teaching sustainable healthcare and planetary health: (1) understand the links between human health and the environment; (2) develop skills to bring about a sustainable health service; (3) discuss the duty of a health professional to protect the health of the public in a time of global environmental change.
Education for Sustainable Healthcare | CSH Networks
The medical community must respond to climate change
The medical community must respond to climate change
Climate change is a medical emergency. Healthcare professionals must act not to protect public health. Read the latest report from The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change:
The medical community must respond to climate change
Campaign toolkit [PDF]
Campaign toolkit [PDF]
This campaign toolkit is designed to support communicators with running their own 'Healthier Planet, Healthier People' campaign.
Campaign toolkit [PDF]
What is Net Zero? - Net Zero Climate
What is Net Zero? - Net Zero Climate
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What is Net Zero? - Net Zero Climate