Advice '23

Advice '23

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🏅 Modular Ecology
🏅 Modular Ecology
Been playing that Zelda game everyone’s on about, and rereading Dungeon Meshi ( trailer just came out for the tv version!) and thinking abo...
🏅 Modular Ecology
Dungeon Design, Process and Keys
Dungeon Design, Process and Keys
DES I GNING   FOR  DUNGEON 23 With my decision to work on Dungeon23 coincides my starting a public Crystal Frontier Campaign and being diss...
Dungeon Design, Process and Keys
Cairn Crash Course
Cairn Crash Course
Lesson #1: The cover is flipping you off. Hello there. There has been a lot of new blood injected into the OSR/NSR space recently. I'll leave the ho...
Cairn Crash Course
The Storyteller Technique
The Storyteller Technique
Even games have a voice. When you sit down and read a tabletop RPG, the game itself speaks to you. The choice you make around narration…
The Storyteller Technique
An OSR approach to Spotlight
An OSR approach to Spotlight
This post is based on a conversation I had with Ben L. in response to his recent post over on:
An OSR approach to Spotlight
Game Mastering Like a Park Ranger - Silverarm
Game Mastering Like a Park Ranger - Silverarm
This is going to be one of those posts where someone says how Game Mastering in RPG’s is basically a lot like part of their work experience in another field. I'll also get into the dangerous arena of providing GM advice. I’d like to tell you I’ll avoid cheesy reaches to fit the framework but make absolutely no guarantees.
Game Mastering Like a Park Ranger - Silverarm
Action Mysteries
Action Mysteries
Mystery scenarios are probably the second-most popular genre of gameplay in RPGs after dungeoncrawling. Despite this, quite frustratingly, m...
Action Mysteries
ONLY Roll Initiative
ONLY Roll Initiative
What if initiative was the only roll in a combat system? Less a question of "can I murder this horrible horse?" and more "can I murder it be...
ONLY Roll Initiative
GM Pointers: Live-Text Games
GM Pointers: Live-Text Games
The Shattered Coasts server sees a fair share of games. Some are via voice, some are slow-form play-by-post, and then there are the dreaded ...
GM Pointers: Live-Text Games