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The Foot of Blue Mountain
The Foot of Blue Mountain
Howdy! I'm Mr. Mann, and I throw stuff up here related to OSR games. I'm interested in writing as a craft and worldbuilding as a hobby in itself. Currentl...
The Foot of Blue Mountain
The Ash, the Elder, and the Hen Elm
The Ash, the Elder, and the Hen Elm
I don't like to think of myself as an "inhabitant," but I certainly do, ahem, inhabit these shaded woods after a fashion. Come, stay a while, and we will talk of tabletop RPGs, board games, wargames, fiction, and other, stranger things (such as how the blazes you get this Blogger thing to work - though you may have to carry the conversation on that front).
The Ash, the Elder, and the Hen Elm
Reece's Dungeon Rooms
Reece's Dungeon Rooms
Blog about interesting ideas for traps and rooms I've come up with whilst creating my megadungeon.
Reece's Dungeon Rooms
Library Of Words
Library Of Words
Library Of Words Is A Site Covering Indie, Weird, Unique, And New TTRPGs, Movies, Video Games.
Library Of Words
Hendrik Biweekly
Hendrik Biweekly
Hi, I'm Hendrik ten Napel. I think about the rules and mechanics that make role-playing games tick and reflect on my own experiences playing those games. Every two weeks, I send out an email to share my thoughts.
Hendrik Biweekly
Blogstones | Substack
Blogstones | Substack
TTRPG writing and design team. Curates the Gnomestones Universe at Stay tuned for The Potato Game coming 2025. Click to read Blogstones, a Substack publication. Launched 2 months ago.
Blogstones | Substack