🥇 Overloading the Random Encounter Table — Prismatic WastelandA all-in-one roll for random encounters, reaction, surprise, and distance.#gameable#BLOGGIES24#random encounters#🥇·prismaticwasteland.com·Jan 9, 2025🥇 Overloading the Random Encounter Table — Prismatic Wasteland
🥈 The Bell Curving Encounter Table - Pointless Monument“You can tell you have reached civilization because you are standing on a street, and there is a beggar on it” — Archmage Hann, writing to a pupil#gameable#tabletop rpg#encounter table#bell curving#BLOGGIES24#🥈·pointlessmonument.blot.im·Oct 19, 2024🥈 The Bell Curving Encounter Table - Pointless Monument
🥉A Person-Shaped HoleA simple framework for forging bonds between your characters.#gameable#character_development#the_lynchpin#BLOGGIES24#🥉·mindstormpress.com·Jan 9, 2025🥉A Person-Shaped Hole
🏅 Group Downtime Activities: Remembering the DeadThe system of downtime actions I created is individual by design, built as a counterbalance to OSR games where the action is focused relent...#gameable#downtime#remembering#dead#activities#BLOGGIES24#🏅·maziriansgarden.blogspot.com·Jan 9, 2025🏅 Group Downtime Activities: Remembering the Dead
The North Rona Island Rat Apocalypse#gameable#island#rats#apocalypse#BLOGGIES24·moltensulfur.com·Jan 9, 2025The North Rona Island Rat Apocalypse
OSR: 1d20 Dungeon MerchantsAnother excerpt from the Treasure Overhaul, but formatted for a blog post. Arnold K's dungeon merchants are, as usual, well worth reading. ...#gameable#dungeon merchants#BLOGGIES24·coinsandscrolls.blogspot.com·Jan 9, 2025OSR: 1d20 Dungeon Merchants
Reputation Tables - Luke GearingInstead of a ± to Reaction rolls or whatever, track individual events the characters take. To do this, we first make a Reputation Table. At its most#gameable#reputation#rpg#table#reaction rolls#BLOGGIES24·lukegearing.blot.im·Jan 9, 2025Reputation Tables - Luke Gearing
The Mystery ManualA set of mysteries that “map out” a given part of the world. PCs can investigate these freely and in any order.#gameable#mystery#tabletop#investigate#world#BLOGGIES24·strangeaeons.substack.com·Jan 9, 2025The Mystery Manual
OSR Social Resolution ProceduresIn the "OSR" space and related environments, social skill rolls are generally viewed with distaste. This isn't without reason—resorting to ...#gameable#social#resolution#procedures#BLOGGIES24·occultronics.blogspot.com·Jan 9, 2025OSR Social Resolution Procedures
Summer LEGO RPG Setting JamI want to officially announce the start of the Summer LEGO RPG Setting Jam ! The goal of this game jam is to design a small roleplaying game...#gameable#lego#game jam#BLOGGIES24·diyanddragons.blogspot.com·Jan 9, 2025Summer LEGO RPG Setting Jam
CRAFTSMANYou are a craftsman. You belong to a Society of other craftsmen - people who teach you skills and look out for you. You pay dues, and occas...#gameable#craftsman#class#BLOGGIES24·spiceomancy.blogspot.com·Jan 9, 2025CRAFTSMAN
A PERFECT WIFE(It is Vampire Weekend! Have a pontianak-themed urban-horror investigative adventure. I wrote it with Kuala Lumpur in mind, but it should work for any big city just fine.) +++ DISAPPEARANCES An...#investigative#urban-fantasy#vampire#horror#BLOGGIES24#gameable·slowlorispress.com·Jan 9, 2025A PERFECT WIFE
10 Minutes and a Knife - Benign Brown BeastWere you a professional in a shop with kit and space enough and time, you could extract every coin of value from this carcass. But instead, you’re#gameable#BLOGGIES24#butchering·beast.blot.im·Jan 9, 202510 Minutes and a Knife - Benign Brown Beast