

#Behance #cooptarium #lille
Anne-Claire Villefourceix-Gimenez on Behance
Anne-Claire Villefourceix-Gimenez on Behance
\\ Designer textile et graphiste indépendante, je suis aussi directrice artistique et j'interviens sur des projets très variés. \\ Indépendante installée à Lille, je travaille tant à distance qu'en in…
Anne-Claire Villefourceix-Gimenez on Behance
Joachim Leclercq on Behance
Joachim Leclercq on Behance
Graphic artist, Art Director, and 2D Concept artist, I've worked for Cartoons (Mini Wakfu, Maxi mini), videogame (Abraca) and Edition (Paloma, Doggybags, Dofus manga, all published by Ankama Editions)…
Joachim Leclercq on Behance
Alexandre Tombal on Behance
Alexandre Tombal on Behance
Le graphiste est un artisan sensible au travail de la forme, de son impact et de sa sémantique. Je transpose cette sensibilité dans des projets tant imprimés que numériques, même si j’affectionne part…
Alexandre Tombal on Behance
Stéphane Pietroiusti on Behance
Stéphane Pietroiusti on Behance
Hello, I am a product & services designer based in France, passionated by objects and technology. My different experiences in France, Germany, Austria and as a freelancer was a chance to collaborate w…
Stéphane Pietroiusti on Behance
Stereograph Studio on Behance
Stereograph Studio on Behance
3 business units dedicated to architecture and 3D : - Stereograph Studio: Computer generated images and animations for architecture and real estate. ( - contact : christo…
Stereograph Studio on Behance
Leonard Dupond on Behance
Leonard Dupond on Behance
Hi curious visitor who landed on my profile, embark with me on a journey of time travel filled with drawings of history and future technologies. I work as a Freelance and I am happy to count many prestigious clients in my resume like : AXA, BMW, Arianespace, CNES, Enedis, Flextronics, Wired UK, Martinière France ... Represented by Agent 002 in Europe and by Garance Illustration in north America
Leonard Dupond on Behance